come morning snippet + signal boosting + music

Sep 23, 2012 12:40

so I thought about posting sequel-y drabbles in reply to any comments that asked for a sequel, but didn't want to be accused of attention whoring.  So here you go, some more sequel snippets for Come Morning.  For goddess_knope because I know she won't be upset that she asked for more and got Emma Frost instead, haha.

Charles is studying in one of the empty chem labs when he meets Emma Frost.  He hears her heels first and then her Southern drawl.

"Well, you're not what I expected."

Charles peers up from his graph.  "Excuse me," he asks, "who are you?  I haven't seen you here before..."  He takes in her white blazer and skirt, her white peeptoe pumps with terribly high heels.  She doesn't look like any science student he's seen before.

"You're right, honey, I'm not a science student.  I'm not sure I'm flattered you think I'm young enough to be an undergraduate, or insulted you'd lump me in with those fashion backward women who study the sciences."  She carefully examines her manicured nails.

Charles furrows his brows and reaches out towards her, a querying sort of probe.

It's punched back to him, and Charles clutches his head with the sudden sharp pain of it, and suddenly, she's in his head, everywhere, every corner, pushing and probing, finding every -

There are things no one should be able to touch (Erikhello, secret smiles, and ocean waves, echoes of fallingflightlightrelease.  Charles?  What's going on?).  He pushes her out as well as he can, that is to say, clumsily.

"You're a telepath too," he says.

She smiles pleasantly with perfectly white teeth.  "And you, Charles Xavier, have all the finesse of a two-year old with a jackhammer.  Really, I have no idea what darling little Erik sees in you."

"Who are you," Charles grits out, still trying to work through the stabbing pain in his temples.

"Why Charles, I'm hurt," she replies, pressing her palm to her heart.  "Raven mentioned me, but I suppose it's understandable you don't remember since you were busy trying to gallantly save Erik.  I'm Emma Frost, and I'm here to teach you."

She extends her hand, her sleeves riding up to expose her slender wrists, her lips changing her smile to something wicked.  Like she knows a joke Charles doesn't.

"Pleasure to meet you."

Charles frowns but takes her hand anyway.  "Charmed," he says.  And Emma's laughter in his head lets him know she hears every one of the angry thoughts he's directing her way.

And since this is a public post:

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Dr. Mukwege on why men need to take action to stop all violence again women.  It's also an opportunity to work on your French, si vous voulez.

Dr. Mukwege works at Panzi Hospital, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and provides critical health care to survivors of sexual violence.  Sadly, although women travel great distances to get there, there are many more women waiting for healthcare than the Hospital can provide.

If you are interested in learning more about sexual violence in the Congo, here are some resources:

The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo. Dir. Lisa F. Jackson. HBO Documentary Films, 2007. DVD.

Human Rights Watch. “The War Within the War: Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls in Eastern Congo.” Human Rights Watch, 20 June 2002.

Medicins sans Frontieres. “‘I Have No Joy, No Peace of Mind’ Medical, Psychosocial, and Socio-Economic Consequences of Sexual Violence in Eastern DRC.” Medicins sans Frontieres, 2004.

Réseau des Femmes pour un Développement Associatif, Réseau des Femmes pour la Défense
des Droits et la Paix, International Alert. “Women’s Bodies as a Battleground: Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls During the War in the Democratic Republic of Congo.” International Alert, 2005.

Szesnat, Felicity. “Small arms and rape as a system of war: A case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” Sexed pistols: The gendered impacts of small arms and light weapons, ed. Vanessa Far, Henri Myrttinen and Albrecht Schnabel.

Turning Pain Into Power. V-Day Until the Violence Stops, 2009.

And of course, Eve Ensler's V-Day website.

And to end on a happier note:

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Assuming this is not black face, the video for Naughty Boy and Emeli Sande's "Wonder" makes me teary-eyed everytime.  Right when I was so frustrated with (lack of) representation, out comes this video.  I'd also argue this video is a reclamation of the fantasy genre for people of color.  Also bought my ticket to go see her!

xmfc: come morning, ship: charles/erik, fanfiction: xmen first class, emeli sande, writing: fanfiction

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