The Broken Kingdoms + some other books

May 13, 2011 23:24

The Broken Kingdoms by NK Jemisin (The Inheritance Trilogy #2)

Cover art -  I like the city scape thing going, but I don't like these faces shooting light out.  Similarly, the tag lines are too.... melodramatic?

Narratively, it's quite similar to Yeine's in The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms.  The narrator doesn't tell things quite in order; she relays it much like real people do in real life.  There are some digressions, some backing up to fill in info.  The art theme in chapter titles was cool.

Thematically, I'm pretty intrigued by it.  What do you do now that the oppressor has been overthrown?  The marginalized are beginning to take back their language and religion.  We also see proselytizing religion and how dismissive it is to Oree and her pain.  Mmm, yes, I'm definitely trying to make connections to the real world.

Is there hope for reconciliation between the gods?  Here, reconciliation is a must.  Love is not... I don't know how to say it, it's not polyamory, but Naha/Yeine/Shiny feels so right and necessary.  I really like the way love is portrayed here.  Shiny (a rather perfectly common nickname) and Oree are so right, but I know Naha/Yeine/Shiny is necessary thematically.  And neither are Shiny and Oree are each other's first loves.  While I was expecting Shiny/Oree initially, Oree/Madding was so genuine and true.  So yes, I did enjoy first love=/=true love.

Also, Oree's utter faith that bestows Shiny's power back as well...

The ending.  ;_____;  First thought about the ending is that evokes the same feeling in me as Rilke's "You Who Never Arrived"  and.... something else, I just can't remember now. >.>  But it's that bittersweetness of curbed/unfulfilled potential.  However, kudos to Jemisin for going for this kind of ending.  I mean, yes, there's a lot of hope that Shiny will come back, but realistically, I feel like there isn't.

I got to the end, and I teared up.

Greatly anticipating The Kingdom of the Gods.  Sieh!  I still have a soft spot in me for Sieh/Yeine. <3

Immortals After Dark series by Kresley Cole - I have mixed feelings about the series having read the books I did backwards.  I really liked "Deep Kiss of Winter," and Pleasure of a Dark Prince was a great adventure/romance romp, but A Hunger Like No Other?  I didn't like the power dynamics there.  Nor did I like them in Demon From the Dark, which had quite a few moments where I cringed at how the hero makes comments about how he wants his own slave since he himself was enslaved.  Demon was the 2nd most recent book in the series, so I'm not sure what to make of the series, but I'm definitely checking out the upcoming book about Lothaire.  Oh, and the mad prophet sister?  She's awesome.

Nature of Desire series by Joey Hill - I finally finished Natural Law, which was just...  When Mac finally gets thirsty, it was super WAFF.  And the romance was right.  Branded Sanctuary greatly appeals to me as well, but like Natural Law and Ice Queen, I've stopped half way through.  (Yeahhhhhhhh, I need to just sit down and finish)  But Hill is good at what the title indicates; each title deals with a different aspect of desire and love (and BDSM, as fyi if that's not your cup of tea)

Game of Thrones (TV) -  Mmmmm, too much exposition/backstory in ep 4.  But i firmly stand by how perfectly cast the Lannisters are.  Theon doesn't feel as douche-y though.  Still can't wait for Viserys' crowning.  And I am firm now; I don't like the treatment of Dany/Drogo's consent.  Also officially pre-ordered Dance With Dragons via Borders! :D

book: a song of ice and fire, cover art, books, author: nk jemisin, author: joey w hill

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