2011, 2012

Jan 06, 2012 04:55

I've gone through my diary of last year, and this is what I've found.

Bought a Hello Kitty bubble blower.
Took a picture with a snake on my back.
Went to my friend's house in the mountains. Forgot the bubble blower there.
Made a few friends in the freshmen.
My resolution was taken from Winter's Bone, "never ask for what ought to be offered", and I didn't keep it.
Had a really big fight with my ex, we stopped talking.
Went for the first time to Theatro Municipal, to watch Metropolis with my friend Julia.
Met a friend from college who'd been gone away for years.
Went rock climbing with my mom's boyfriend.
Went to a design convention, met Paula, who I've been friends with over the internet for years.
Played Shadow of the Colossus for the first time.
Went to a punk rock party with friends from college, where I drank tequila for the first time.
Bought Die Walküre on vynils, haven't listened to it.
Met a former roommate from years ago, found out he was gay and kinda obsessed with me.
Ex started talking to me again.
Watched Miwa Matreyek perform.
Made two new friends, Bianca and Tatiana, at a horror film festival.
N021, the national design convention, happened in Rio. It ended with a water gun party.
A roleplaying campaign I've been playing on for a long, long, LONG time ended.
Watched Rio's roller derby league, the Sugar Loathe Derby Girls.
Watched Super 8, my first movie on IMAX, which began a tradition for me and a group of friends.
Went to São Paulo to watch X Japan live.
We had a Beerfest, after 3 years without one.
Met my friend Thais, after I don't even know how long.
Had a fight with a roommate.
A close friend fell into depression, we went a while without seeing him, but he's recovering. I'm writing this from his bedroom right now.
Went to the last show of Broken Social Scene.
A friend went to London, lived there for a while, but it didn't work out so he came back.
Went to my dad's store's Christmas barbecue. Decided I won't go to another.
Started reading Dune.
Bianca, whom I'd met at the film festival, went to Europe, possibly for good.
Spent new year's eve with my dad at his apartment at the beach, after over ten years without going there.

So, yeah, pretty eventful year. There's been some bad, but mostly good.

I don't have a resolution, or any particular goals for the year.
But I have started my "new system", a list of Things I No Longer Do. I will write this list, and keep it close so I don't fall into this stuff I want to avoid, and update it as more come up. Next post will be the beginning of the list, and I guess I'll maybe post the new items as they're added to it.
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