I've recently come into contact with Rio's roller derby league, the Sugar Loathe Derby Girls. They've been around for over a year, but I only got to know about them a few months ago, and a couple weeks ago I went to watch their training. Most of the pics I took turned out crappy because my camera is not that good and I didn't want to ask them to stop what they were doing and pose, that'd be stupid. So, basically it came down to these two.
In glasses and helmet, Moshzilla Firefox, my new crush.
That's the only group shot I could get, and it's not that good. There's someone I'd like to point out: Red shirt girl on the far left is Lola No Limits. That's her name because she keeps running and jumping into stuff with little regard for her physical integrity. It's thrilling to watch.
You can't read it in the pic, but her shirt says TEAM AWESOME.