Animated gif testing

Nov 16, 2011 06:58

With the help of xvic3 I'm currently trying to figure out how to create an animated gif in an acceptable size.
Here's her tutorial on animated gifs:
My problem is that when I follow the instructions (which are great by the way, check it out!) I get huuuge file sizes that are way too large for the internet.
I played a bit around with resizing and compressing, but then the quality got really bad :(.
In the end I just ran the avi through Adobe Media Encoder and got an acceptable gif with 2,3 MB (I got up to 8-10 MB before @.@).
I think for people with a slow internet connection that is still way too large, though. I estimate that an animated gif with around 500 - 800 kb would be alright?
How do you do animated gifs? How do you get them as small as possible, but still in an acceptable size? And by the way, with which program do you usually add text into the animated gifs xD?

And one last request, could you please tell me how slow this gif runs for you (if it runs at all) and which internet speed you have:

Many thanks ;).

animated gifs

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