
Sep 14, 2011 09:18

I refrained from posting anything about the tenth anniversary of 9/11, because I have said everything I had to say about that day, and I believe at this point our national fondness for clawing at the wound has reached a level of psychological pathology that should see a large segment of our population heavily medicated and incarcerated in a treatment facility for their own and our good.

My evidence:

Two guys of Indian descent, who committed the crime of going to the bathroom for an "excessive period of time" while being conspicuously brown on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, and a woman who committed the crime of being brown and vaguely Middle Eastern looking while sitting in the same row as they and never leaving her seat for the duration of the flight, are "detained" and, thankfully, not actually charged with anything. Because, y'know, they didn't actually do anything wrong or even suspicious in a sane fucking universe.

This is the woman's post about the matter:

The comments thread will assassinate your faith in humanity. Especially the bits where people somehow fail to grasp that nobody waltzes aboard a plane nowadays without going through insane levels of security as it is, so strip and cavity searches after your plane has landed entirely without incident are not exactly what you'd call the rational response to a flight attendant getting their panties in a wad. Especially if you didn't leave your seat for the duration of the goddamn flight and DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO AROUSE SUSPICION BEYOND FLYING WHILE BROWN.

I weep for my fucking stupid country.

my inner bookman weeps, politics, douchebaggery most high, omgwtfbbq, objective stupidity, the terrorists have fucking won, myrandom

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