WoW:...And hilarity ensued!

Jun 29, 2010 07:11

Things Last Night's Guild King of the Fire Festival Run Taught Me:

* The guards in Valiance Keep have an aggro radius of several nautical miles and will continue respawning and flinging themselves on the blades of a pack of heavily armed members of the Horde until the Horde members actually start feeling somewhat bad about it. Not bad enough to let them kill us, mind you, but bad nonetheless.

* The battlecry: KNOW FEAR ALLIANCE PEONS, FOR STEADFAST HAS COME FOR YOUR PANTIES! will cause most sane beings to flee the vicinity when we come galloping full-tilt through Stormwind. Well, it was that or the fact that we were all mostly 80 and wearing the same guild tag and there were, uhm, ten of us.

* Riding through the canals of Stormwind on Path of Frost is FUN.

* Lowbie Allies who find themselves sharing a Deep Run Tram car with ten heavily armed high level Hordies are frequently very good sports. There was neither spitting nor rude gestures. There was a spontaneously occurring cross-factional dance party.

* Ironforge needs subtle directional markers, like the different colored curtains in Undercity. Because, like Undercity, it is round and remarkably easy to get lost in. Despite being...round. Also: no plan survives contact with the enemy, especially once you've lost the element of surprise and the enemy has had the chance to trot out their own pack of high levels to split you up and pin you down.

* Panties: dwarves wear boxers, nelves reputedly wear satin, draenei go commando or wear thongs (the tail, y'know), nobody bothered to check a human.

* The Prophet Velen is almost ridiculously easy to aggro. Jeez, Vel, you're supposed to be the mellow, peace-loving one.

* Featherfall is the fastest way between a high point on the map and a low point on the map. Any high point or low point, and remember, because this is important and there will be a quiz later. Also: Steadfast would like to humbly apologize to all those people running around in the woods near Auberdine questing/traveling/trying to get just the right 'saw it before Cataclysm' screenshots that we freaked out last night. By running over/around/through you in mid-air.

* There are three boats that pick up in Auberdine. None of them goes to Theramore. Bastards.

* The ideal method of escaping Teldrassil is not, repeat not, to climb out on a branch, cast featherfall, and have everyone run frantically out to sea. It takes more than two minutes to feather-run to the bottom of Teldrassil. Fortunately, paladins can a) survive the fall, b) resurrect, c) heal.

* Improved Unholy Presence + Crusader Aura + Path of Frost = Mad cackling dash across the strait between Teldrassil and Dark Shore without anyone dying of fatigue.

* Ahune really is a candyass. I cannot believe I was so terrified of him.

world of warcraft, myrandom

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