The eight women you talked to at a Republican campaign event =/= 'working moms.' As a matter of fact, as far as this working mom is concerned, any job that allows you to charge the state you run more than I make in a single year for the privilege of working from home on top of your already enormous salary AND your husband's big oil lucre completely fails to render you ONE OF UUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSS. You see, it's pretty fucking easy to 'do it all' when you are not, in fact, doing it all and possess enormous personal wealth and a vast support structure besides. It does, in fact, require particularly brazen chutzpah to downplay or outright deny the precise extent of your candidate's own privilege while trying to sell her as 'just another working mom' to women whose access to equal pay for equal work she opposes.
You do, however, have a point: certain categories of American women have clearly embraced the self-destructive idea that a woman politician will always be better for women, no matter how ignorant, inexperienced, and corrupt she might be. Therefore it is not to you, but to my sadly misguided sisters that I deliver this, more in sorrow than in anger:
Because nothing says, "We've come a long way, baby!" like voting against your best interests because the person blowing smoke up your ass shares the same genitalia as you.
Also: It's patently obvious at this point that I'm going to be unable to avoid politics in the ramp up to the actual election -- if I don't run into it on my flist, my FiL wants to talk about it at dinner. So, for the sake of my sanity, I am reinstating my personal form of cranial percussive therapy: the Daily Dumbfuck. Submit your own suggestions and I will snark with vicious snarkiness. HELP KEEP MY INNER EARL OF THE MILLENNIUM UNDER CONTROL, I BEG YOU. ♥