(no subject)

Feb 16, 2007 07:23

Some junk from Blogthings

Yeah, sure, this makes sense
Your Brain is Blue

Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow.
You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.
Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life.
What Color Is Your Brain?

My life's decent. Not bad, not great, but fair enough for me at the time
You Are Pretty Happy

You generally have a happy, fulfilling life.
But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it.
Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career.
Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is!
How Happy Are You, Really?

Damn right. Fuck Macs! And fuck trends!
You are a PC

You're practical, thrifty, and able to do almost anything.
Appearances and trends aren't important to you. You just like to get the job done.
Are You a Mac or a PC?
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