Art dump

Jun 30, 2011 01:42

Rating: SFW, PG
Warnings: Hybrids (half human/half animal), gender bending
Fandom(s): Supernatural, Iron Man, Thor, Disney, iOTA

More sketches that have been bumming around in my drawing pad.

AN: Castiel from Supernatural. IDK where he came from but I found him hiding in the front of my sketchpad in a little corner.

AN: Female!Tony Stark working on... stuff. With Captain America sweat pants. Its not really finished but its close. C:
(whats that in her mouth? No idea. Forgot what I wanted that to be...)

AN: (1) A Christmas gift for a friend, which, I'm more than positive that I haven't given it to her yet. I'm terrible I know. I should have another pic. around my house somewhere for another friend. Awful. (2) Ram thing that I drew for... whatever reason. He's doing the Sign Language motion for "taste, preferred, favorite" - I've been teaching myself sign language. Its quite fun. (3) Squid!girls because I'm weird like that and I have a weird love for tentacles. I'm strange.

AN: iOTA from "SMOKE AND MIRRORS". Its a little show from the Sydney Festival. To the person who uploaded this for, I love you forever. Srsly, more people need to watch this and know how amazing this guy is.

AN: Loki! Female!Loki and Kid!Loki - I love drawing Loki's hair. omgyes. other pic is just some doodles that were on the same page. 
Kid!Loki stole my heart. <333

AN: Within minutes of posting this to my FB page, just to show my family that I CAN TO DRAW NORMAL THINGS, my 7yo cousin laid claim to it (according to her mother) and that I was to draw the other princesses for her. Because, frankly, I'm "a good princess drawer."

kink: genderbending, fandom: thor, type: fanart, fandom: disney, type: randomdoodles, fandom: supernatural, fandom: ironman

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