SPN fanfic. - Give and Take

May 16, 2011 16:52

It was an old argument for the both of them and to be honest he didn’t know who wanted what anymore, or if it still counted as an argument at this point. He would even go so far as to say they were just using it as a weird form of a fetish to have quick and heavy sex.

“Dean.” Castiel moaned out his name, raking her blunt nails up his sweaty back to twine her fingers though his short hair. She pulled, bringing his head down so she could crush their mouths together. It was a rush, a drug in the nicest of ways, the way they fought each other for completion.

He would say it was almost like a dance but they weren’t nearly as graceful or careful with each other.

In a way he was angry at her for bringing this up. For keep bringing it up when he knew-they knew it wasn’t a good idea. Castiel knew that he wanted it; he knew that she knew it was something he has been wanting since he realized as a teen that his life was fucked and that the simplest thing he could wish for was just a family, any way he could get it. She was using it against him and he knew he was letting her win.

Dean gripped her wrists in his hands, ripping them away from his head and pushed them to the stained hotel sheet below them. Castiel’s eyes were blue, clear blue and shining with emotions she didn’t understand but no doubt felt and her lips were red and swollen, speaking their own sinful contradicting emotions. Pushing Dean into doing things he didn’t want to think about.

The worst part of it all is that he could see it happening. Could see Castiel giving up everything she is to give Dean this one thing he’s been to frightened to make for himself-to take for himself.

“Turn around.” He whispered into her chest, running his tongue up the swell of flesh of her breasts to gently suck on a perk nipple.  Castiel’s body jerked as she slowly let Dean’s cock slip out of her before she turned over. She always did have sensitive nipples; Dean idly wondered what it would be like if they were swollen with milk. If they’d taste or feel different, if they’d be too sensitive that it’d be too painful for Castiel if Dean played with them or if they’d lose their sensitivity all together.

“Touch yourself.” Dean demanded watching with hungry eyes as Castiel turned her head on the pillow to stare at him with those enticing blue questioning eyes.

“Dean, I-“

“You want me to give you a baby, well, show me where I should put it.”

Castiel hesitated, still looking at Dean with a slight crease between her eyebrows but lifted herself onto her knees and let a delicate but damning hand travel down to her own cunt to play, spreading open her outer lips to show Dean.

Dean grinned and let out an appreciating groan of pleasure. “Fuck, Cas. Go on. If you can ask for it you can surely touch it, yeah? Show me that you’re ready for it, put your fingers in.”

She obeyed, her small finger slipping in without any restraint or uncertainty. Castiel’s frown deepened but she didn’t stop, pulling out her finger and pushing another finger in along with the first. This wasn’t the first time he’s asked her to do this, to show herself to him but she was still awkward around her own body.

“Your stomach will swell,” he told her. “They’ll be a life growing inside you, it wouldn’t be human but that doesn’t bother you, does it? You just want it from me, don’t you? To swell up with my seed inside you…”

Her fingers curled and Dean could make out a little shiver in her thighs as she made the motion again, growing bolder and faster. Castiel moved so that she was leaning on her shoulder as she trailed her other hand down to play with her clit; Dean’s breath caught as he saw the look in her eyes. The memory of when they had first fucked flashed through his mind and he knew she was doing it to him, making him play it out in his head as if it were just recent and not years and many sex sessions ago.

He had introduced her to her clitoris that first time. Made her stroke herself as he fucked inside of her telling her to slow down or speed up depending on how gracious he was feeling.

“You’ll have to stay with me, all the time.” He gripped the top of her thighs with his hands, spreading her open further as he blew cool air over her. Smiling as she clenched around her fingers and her body shook, barely controlled. “I’ll get more controlling; paranoid even. To the point of being insane, I wont let you out of my sight for anything.”

He knew then that he would never have to hide from her, that she was a danger to him and he let her be.

“And I’ll want to fuck you. Not just as we are now but more, you’ll be everything I’ve been wanting and I’ll be impatient. I wont even be able to control myself around you.”

“Dean… Dean,” she moaned and he gripped his cock only just making it so he wouldn’t come as he positioned himself to push into her.

“Keep your fingers in.”

Castiel whined when he slowly pushed himself in, taking his time and placing small kisses over Castiel’s lower back. The feel of her fingers beside his cock was new and a little uncomfortable but the way she was twitching around him left everything else forgivable.

“Do you want to feel full?”

Her voiced cracked and Dean could understand the impatient need she was wanting to fill. “Y-yes. I want-I want to have your baby. Please, Dean, I want you to-”

“Yeah,” he swallowed thickly fighting away the giant pit forming in his stomach. “Yeah, I’ll give it to you.”

AN: I like pregnancy fics. so when I saw this on the kink meme, even though I have other prompts that I would like to work on, I couldn't pass it up.

kink: genderbending, fandom: supernatural

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