adventures of bedrest

Jun 27, 2013 21:46

I'm officially past the 34 week mark so if anything dodgy happens again, I am not to go in until it develops into full blown labor EVEN THOUGH I am still several weeks away from being full term. I am anxious and trying to stay in bed to buy this kiddo more time. Baby has dropped already which is prompting people to start saying "Any day nooooooooooow!" I wish I could make it another 2 weeks, that would put me at almost 37 weeks. =/

My dr has been super wonderful and such a huge change from my previous OB/GYN. He was very proactive about getting me on the progesterone shots every week to help delay preterm labor, saw me weekly instead of every 2 weeks since I was high risk, prescribed medication to help prevent preterm labor contractions, prescribed terbutaline to help prevent more severe contractions I was having, advised bedrest, and one of the times I ended up in the hospital he was the on call dr for the practice so I saw him instead of some random dr. I've never been one to care about whether my dr is male or female as long as they get the job done, and he has, along with the other practitioners in the office (a DO and a NP).

Today I was woken up super early by a cop knocking on the front door. I did not open it and he stood there for about 5 mins knocking and knocking and then finally left. He was wearing a POLICE vest and rifling through a 3 page long set of papers that appeared to have photos in it. He asked our upstairs neighbor if we were home, to which he said "I don't know anything about that." At one point the cop said "Well, the color of the car matches," in regards to our car being parked out front, and he also said something to a kid standing off to the left of our apartment about a dog, to which the kid responded "Yeah, he came at me! And he came at my dog!" The cop brought a partner who was standing off by the neighbor's balcony (not visible to me) and I think they were here about our dog Crowley.

I believe one of the neighbor kids may have complained to their parents, idk. Crowley's only a 35 lb border collie but his bark is quite intimidating sounding from outside. You'd think it's a much bigger dog barking. And he looooooves children but it takes him a few moments to acclimate to strangers, even stranger children. The next door neighbor kids are always knocking on our door to say hi and Crowley barks at anyone who comes to the door. If that's what it is I am going to be annoyed because perhaps, parents of neighbor kids, you should tell your children they shouldn't be knocking on my damn door to say hi if they're afraid of the barking from the dog that they know I have. You know, watch your kids instead of letting them run wild and then calling the cops when they say they got scared by the dog in the apartment. I've never once seen the parents accompany any of the kids while they're out hanging around the apartment complex.

But who knows, it could be something completely different. I doubt it since the random kid the cop talked to mentioned a dog (which I found odd as I do not walk Crowley without a leash and we've never had him "go at" a kid and his dog). The stranger part of the whole situation was that something about the cop seemed off to me, which is why I didn't open the door. That and the fact that his partner was essentially hiding off to the side of the building where you cannot see him. So I called the police dept and they had no record of any reason why cops would be coming to our address, and the woman referred me to the precinct that handles our area. I called them, and they also had no record of any cops stating they were coming out to our address or what the reason might have been. Generally if someone reported a threatening dog or there's an arrest warrant out or whatever, the police dept should have that info if you call so they can verify who's at your door and why. They couldn't verify it, which really bothered me and made me glad I didn't open the door.

We stopped by the leasing office afterward to see if they had any info on why the cops were here or if they were even legit. They said they were legit cops but they did not have any reported issues on why they might have been here and no neighbor complaints that would indicate trouble with anyone nearby. This is the same apartment complex that recently left letters on all our doors advising we not open the door to people claiming they're with the leasing company since they had several reports of impostors who said that to gain entry to people's apartments (!!!!!) so I was somewhat concerned. I checked if any warrants are out for our arrest and saw nothing.

Who knows! Maybe the cops will come back and I will find out wtf they wanted.

Through my barely opened door, of course, with the chain lock on.
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