Nov 04, 2005 23:17
ok so today i went to work at 9:30 in the fuckin morning cuz i said i would and now im out of a job but thats beside the point. but all i did while there was box stuff up and make boxes to put them in. then i went home heather was still asleep so i climbed into bed kissed her a few times and tryed to get some but was denide but i can understand that as that she had just woken up and her pelvic bone was a little brused from the night befor maybe 2 hours was to long... anyway, after a little while we got up and i started this account while heather took a shower now i thought i would have to come home and do a bunch of D and D stuff becouse the plan was to have a all night D and D party at gregs house but he got grounded so we just called it off but anyway after starting the account heather drove us over to the high school an we picked up lizzy who is still sick but she sounded better thats when i found out greg couldnt do D and D but o well then i treated heather and lizzy to taco bell which pissed me off becouse i ordered soft tacos and got hard ones and they forgot to give us are apple epanodas both of them but befor that we went to the bank so i would have money and i just wanted to put my money in the bank but no the stupid lady didnt ask if i wanted to cash it even tho i wanted to just add my money to my account but no the dumb stupid lady just cashed it anyway then we took lizzy home and went back to the house where heather and i sat on the love seat and kissed among other things while lisoning to te nighmere befor christmas then kimmy called and asked if we could hang out but lizzy had asked us about the football game and she is standig right behind me reading this as i type and laughig at me that really hurts my feelings so we went there and ignored kimmy but thats ok we will see her some other day we cant go more then a 3 day span without see kimmy anyway we went to the football game but i had to pee the whole time but hey i had to hot chicks between my thighs half the time and one really hot chick the other half but clarkston lost the damn game cuz... god says so. then we had Mc Donalds. now im here typing this thing while the only two people that will really read it stand over my shoulder laughing at me yes lizzy it still hurts my feelings and now we are going to heathers room where i am going to have a 3 way with the two hot chicks then get sick cuz lizzy is sick. just kidding heather i love you my little brat.