asfmdmgfmgad or how I remember what I was searching for.

Aug 08, 2007 13:38

September came earlier than I thought it would, even though my calender says August. Things kind of happened and now I'm in a bit of a limbo state when it comes to income, I've read that providing for one's self or others is one of the key functionalities of being "the man". Granted that I'm not doing so right this minute, I'm a bit stressed, even though I'll move on as always to something else.

Mainly what I'm stressed about is that this new thing will be like other job things, it'll last for awhile but it's not a career, I really doubt I'll advance anywhere in the given field, as what I can accomplish without making a fool of myself or messing things up is yet to be determined.

I really to do something other than slacking.
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