Feb 07, 2009 10:38
i heart architecture! and to the point that i like their NEW stuff better than their OLD stuff! could they be any more fun to dance to?
i heart GIRLTALK! who says he's not a dj, but whatever he is, he's not a band and therefore exists outside of my realm of listening, but he was AWESOME! i would pay to see him again!
it is a shame his speakers were pissed off at him :(
laneways was super super fun. i heart anna the most. could she be anymore fun to dance (body smoosh) with?
red bull is gluten free!!
pica stairs make you flyyyyyyy!
tutututututututu (snugglepot and cuddlepie & two little BLOSSOMS)
the man with the green shirt.
luke. oh luke.
boys in the trees.
scrambling barriers and climbing on stage.
anna hearts 80's sunglasses boy.
the tea dance owned.