here are my current frustrations. "current" in the previous sentence had the scope of as early as yesterday, and as current as now, as in right now.
pms, anyone?
-not being able to buy myself a chicklit
-not deciding early on where to eat, therefore doing something i have no amor on, standing in the middle of the mall, arguing where to eat
-eating in a place i didn't want to eat in
-the thing about me, my boyfriend,and the girls in wwe wrestlemania
-maids who just a.)are so tamad, b.) are so slow, physically and mentally, c.) have heavy feet and/or heavy bottom to get to us fast, and d.)are so thick-faced to actually have mood swings/twisted thinking that WE [as in my family] owe them utang-na-loob for serving us
-hello. i don't get you. it downloads okay, but after the download is complete it doesn't install or whatever it's supposed to do. it just exits its little bar out and makes me want to kill its creators even more.
-what i'm overhearing here. my neighbor [a girl, like eight years old] talking noisily to like a much older guy. and take note, they talk about marriage and stuff
-of course. the test tomorrow. don't wanna talk about it.
ayan. taken a year ago, but still, that's how i look like right now.