Slight colds suck. Can't do much, but I don't feel sick enough to justify lying around.
I am lying around nonetheless.
....and oh my god. Diego Stocco is my fucking hero. Found him Randomly On The Internet; he's this composer/sound tech guy and he's the best thing ever. Apparently he did the sounds for The Conduit (new video game, an FPS I believe, and highly anticipated), but whatever on that front. He plays a living tree like a violin (my favorite instrument if you didn't know, I have such a strings fetish), burns an old piano, and also does stuff with typewriters and old washing machines and guitars and sand and asefuygiajhkkk.
Doing this shit for a living would make my life, but I just can't seem to stick with music, as much as I love it. Especially fucking weird alternative stuff.
(Braces. I would rip them off of my teeth in an instant if I thought it would do me any good. My trumpet has never looked so sad, sitting in my closet.)
Also I drew some pictures today. Yay. Go me.
Color put my kitten in the ditch in the backyard. I'm okay with this.