What did I do Wrong!? So upset ;(

Jun 04, 2011 23:00

Okay I've some time ago decided to f-lock my LJ for personal reasons. As many would know, I've made an 'Friending' entry on my LJ where ppl could comment and read my 2 requests for friending. However recently, I've came across a LJ user 'bellecassies' whom called me arrogant for not friending her/him back. Does it make me arrogant if I didn't friend 'bellecassies' immediately just coz h/she added me?! I only sent 'bellecassies' a msg politely requesting that h/she should read my requests first b4 I would friend back, but the reply i got from her/him was that i was ARROGANT!!! I don't understand why I'm getting such remarks when I'm really open to friending as long as they fill my requests. I always like to know my friends a little b4 adding them back.  So sorry to my other LJ-friends for taking up ur page with my rant, just needed to get tis out. It's just really upsetting coz I don't think my requests are at all in any way absurd. 
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