Feb 25, 2020 16:37

I've decided to F-Lock all my entries. Therefore those who are here to friend me these are the details i would want to know from you:
  • Name/ or how you wish to be adressed
  • Which fandom you're interested
  • Some details about yourself, hobbies etc...
  • How you came across my fics
I'll try to reply to requests a.s.a.p but please bear with me if it takes me some time to reply and friend you. I'm very open to friending BUT
  • If you don't use an LJ-cut, I'll immediately drop you from the list. So PLEASE use a LJ-cut
  • If you have no entries in your LJ, I'll also drop you from the list
If you guys can don't mess up both of my requests above I'll friend you.

Thanks :)
Take care everyone
P.S Got the banner off google


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