Not writing enough, either?
Well do I have a solution for you!
It's called, "Write or Die," and it's the brain child of someone called Dr Wicked (related to Dr Evil, I'm sure). It's been helping me write when I can't, I just can't. Suddenly, it seems... uh, I can, I can! Look, I actually can!
Why? Because I'm as good as a lab rat in an experiment and avoid punishment like you wouldn't believe. When forced to, I make my fingers type something, and before I know it, that something turns out to be a scene in my story and I keep going and by the end it mostly works and makes sense.
Click here to check it out.
Here's how you use the website:
- Locate the "Write or Die" fields at the top of the page.
- Enter in the amount of words you want to achieve.
- Choose the time frame that you'd like to achieve this goal within.
- Choose the harshness of your punishment.
- Choose the grace period you'd like it to allow before implementing nasty punishment!
- Click on "Write" and away you go! Start typing in the field it gives you. It will show you a how much time is left and how many words you've achieved.
- It implements consequences only if you stop writing beyond a set time frame. It gives you a warning though--it begins to count down, by changing the colour of the screen, before dealing out the punishment.
- You can hit pause once if you need it.
- Once you're done, copy and paste the whole lot into whatever document you're working on and look over your word count with glee! (And rock yourself gently to sleep that night to forget the harshness of the punishments... Just kidding! They're not that bad at all, I swear.)
I won't tell you what the punishments are! I didn't bother to find out and got a bit of a shock on my first go. All I'll say is I went hard first and would recommend that you don't leave the computer or look away from the screen for too long if you choose "Kamikaze mode" and "Evil grace period" too, or else you may let loose several swear words attached to my name.
"Mother of s**#! dfh@#)*%$#, of all the *&a**##&^fk, Nae!"