Oct 25, 2005 11:38
* Oh em gee...Laguna was the shit, tahts all i have to say.
* Oh, and Jessica is a dumb bitch :)
* Speaking of Jessicas i talked to COOOOOKIE last night, aww i miss her so much she needs to come home.
* Went to Ashleys last night we play Phase 10 of course, then me & Ricky played Guesstures. I swear that game is thee shit!
* 3 days and counting til we move!!
* My mom likes to make me take her to work @ 5, come home sleep for 2 hrs take my brothers to school, then i came home and went bak to sleep & then she calls me at 11 and asks why im still sleeping? wtf!!
* I have to work today. 2-8 not a bad shift which im happy about. i hope i dont work tomorrow.
* I wouldnt kno since i lost my schedule.
* <33 this song homie.
* " Now everytime i see you, i pretend im fine. "
* Its already Tuesday...i get paid again soon!
* I should shower since i have to go get Donna from work in an hr.
* I tried to do my journal, fucked it up, and now its stayin that way. lol
* Well i think im done for now. Over & out!