Milady De Winter
Model, makeup, hair:
Mildred Von
Gloves, neckpiece:
Mother of London/Yungfuktoi (Mildred's fashion company)
Nadya Lev For the longest time when I came to LA, I could not get my photo on. I had to start from scratch - rent a new studio, buy all new equipment, get all set up. When I finally got into the studio, I discovered to my horror that I had basically forgotten how to take pictures, because I was so out of practice. It was devastating. But Mildred patiently stood by while I got up to speed, and helped me with test shoots with no expectations of end results and encouraged me when I was ready to drop the whole thing. That really meant a lot to me. And, slowly but surely, I felt like I knew what I was doing again. Here is the fruit of our labor. Here's to many more great collaborations together!
There is
another shot from this series on Mildred's LJ. Or there will be, when she gets around to posting it! :P