May 08, 2004 22:40
Man today was a kick ass day. Ok well first of all in the morning Adrian and I left at around 11:30am to go to Ashley's house cuz I wanted to hang out with her so it was all good. We got there Ashley me and Adrian were catching up on shit from school(hers) and what not. Then we went to Alvarado and Wilshire and I got my lip pierced on the right side. Man it kicked ass. The lady sprayed the numbing shit on both inside and outside my lip and then put the needle right through, the slides it up and down to open the hole really good the she slid the piercing in. I felt no pain whatsoever. Just pressure when she put the needle through. It was cool. Then Adrian got his lip done in the center and I payed for it then Ashley to not be left behind got her eyebbrow done as well.
Then when we got out we went to Santa Monica went to eat at a restaurant called The Gaucho Grill...good as fuck of course...Ashley me and Adrian were acting like we went to go see Van Helsing. It was cool. Then we went to the mall to buy our mothers day presents and then Ashleys grandma gave Adrian and me a ride home. I love my piercing.....I want to get another one now..theyre addicting.
Well thats it bye