Good Days

Mar 26, 2004 20:10

So nothing has happened that is really important except that my son is being soooooooooooo fussy any cute. He doesnt cry much so I guess that is a good thing but when he does want to cry and annoy me he does but its all good. Adrian is a really good dad and I get alot of help with him so its all good. Im gonna be sending out birth announcements really soon and try to hve a baby arrival party soon too so I'll post when that takes place to be sure to invite all of my LJ friends. Im gonna tell Adrian to post pictures of the baby that he took today on here in a lil while.

I cant wait for the baby to get bigger so that I can go back to doing some of the things that I used to do before and get back to school. Right now im just stuck to going home to my house and then the next day to Adrians house so its kind of a weir thing for me to be doing because I have no time for me or anything else. Its only now thinking on what the baby is doing or what time im going to be picked up to be taken to Adrians house.

Right now im at Adrians house just chillin' with his lil sister and two of his friends right now but tomorrow in the afternoon I go home and get to rest a lil cuz my mom takes care of my son while im at home. Well at night, during the day I do. Right now Adrians dad is holding and dying over my son so its all good I get alot of help from my whole family. Well I guess this is all for now so I'll update later on tomorrow.

Nadya Sanchez
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