Jul 25, 2007 12:33
As most of you that reside on this - the fairest of English-speaking countries - probably know, we have been beset for the past month by severe flooding. Not going into the whys or wherefores (although I can assure you that it is in fact related to a magnified el niña event - the opposite to the much publicised el niño), nor the various shortcomings of our flood prevention systems (we will insist, after all, on building across floodplains), I will instead look at the distribution of the flooding.
Naturally, it is localised around all the major rivers - most notable the Severn and the Thames. Thankfully, I don't live close enough to the Thames to be seriously worried - there has been a lot of rain over the last few days around here, and bar for pools of water and mud, there has not been much change.
The flooding is moving further and further south, however. Which does mean it is getting closer to me. This shall be interesting.
I am also alone until the end of next week; my family has gone to France, and I am left alone to tend the house. I must admit to being terribly bored already; I have not spoken for about a day. Other than sorting out some parcels that I need to send (and attempt to raise some money), I am going to try to crack down on my own writing. I have not actually done any yet, but I shall as soon as I finish this.