Finally...after much effort, time and money "Fellowship of Heroes" is now out as a zine!
"Fellowship Of Heroes" is a more than 300 pages long gen/het AU crossover novel. It is to date my most popular fanfiction when I showed an early draft online (no longer available online) and started a dedication from readers to the crossover pairing of Legolas/Ororo. This novel took many years to complete and get into this final version you can find in this zine (I started writing on it back in 2001. ). Artwork is done by some of the most popular and established artists in the fantasy genre; among others Nadine ( who has her own fanlisting (! It's the novel's cover, created by Nadine, which you can see here. The novel is rated PG-13 for violence and mature themes.
More information
This is a novel length fan fiction. It's a crossover between X-men and Lord Of The Rings (LOTR).
Summery: The four X-men, Scott, Logan, Ororo and Rogue, land in Middle Earth in the middle of the forming of the Fellowship. Confused and suspicious of their surroundings and purpose the four X-men nevertheless join the Fellowship on their Quest. However, they aren’t sure if they are sent to save or destroy the Fellowship. Unbeknownst to them Sauron has called an evil and power-hungry Phoenix (otherwise known as Jean Grey of the X-men) to aid him. As Scott fights with the realization he might have to battle his wife, Rogue battles her own desires that the Ring feeds while Ororo and Legolas fight their growing attraction. Will the four new members of the Fellowship be able to save Boromir? Can they trust Gandalf and can he trust them? Who wins control of the Fellowship…Aragorn, Scott or someone else? Will Phoenix help Sauron destroy Middle Earth? Will Faramir be able to aid his brother despite his fear that doing so could mean his brother’s end? Does Ororo hold the key to an old prophesy and will the X-men ever manage to find a way back home?
Love, brotherhood, intrigue, humour, drama, angst…this novel has something for everyone and is written with just enough ‘tongue in cheek’ to make the story believable, fun and emotional.
An early draft of this novel was released online in 2001 (no longer available online). It was so popular this zine with more than 100 pages added as well as intense formatting and editing work - not to mention fantastic artwork - was the result.
Ororo/Legolas, Logan/Rogue, Scott/Jean, Scott/Eowyn, Eowyn/Faramir, Aragorn/Arwen, hints of others.
You get the whole Fellowship Of Heroes novel, a almost 300 A4 pages long novel. More than 100 pages was added just for this zine version. You also get a beautiful colour cover made by the amazing artist Nadine (an example for the cover which she made is shown on this page). You get 2 B/W artwork, 1 B/W pencil artwork as well as an amazing total of 15 beautiful colour artwork all laid into the novel. All artwork are done by respected and well known artists (an example of internal artwork is shown on my webpage for this novel - it is a pencil drawing done by Henrika). The zine has been beautifully edited and formatted for the old time feel that the LOTR setting brings by the well known zine editor - who's also a professional editor and printer. You also get a poem as a free bonus. You won't be disappointed with this zine. It is top quality.
Long before the Internet was invented people wrote fanfiction. They had to write their stories on paper. These stories went through a careful screening and editing process. The best were selected to be printed in a zine (a paper magazine). Editors and writers did the hard and time consuming job of editing, formatting, printing and shipping zines to all readers.
A zine often contains beautiful colour and B/W artwork which fits the story as well as lovely cover art. To this day zines still go through a long and harsh selection and quality process. Zines are no profit the same way fanfiction online is. However, readers are required to pay for the printing and shipping costs. The cost of a zine reflect only these factors. As said they are no profit. Fan zines as these are called are fanfiction presented in printed, beautifully illustrated and formatted versions. This enables you to read your favourite fanfiction novels or short stories on the beach, in the garden, on the plane, on the train...wherever you want in an easy and beautifully presented format.
Fan zines have the same status as fanfiction published online, meaning it's important to stress that there are no copyright infringement.
As said you only pay for printing; this is a no profit thing.
There are 3 options for this zine.
1) Each zine costs 25 US Dollars to print due to the large amount of colour artwork. Shipping will vary depending on where you live.
Shipping to US is $5 (US Dollars)
Shipping to Canada, Australia, Europe, Asia and most other parts of the world is $11.00 (US Dollars)
So if you live in the USA your total would be 25 + 5 = 30 US Dollars.
2) You can buy the zine with only 2 colour images (the front cover and one large back illustration). All other artwork will be black and white. Otherwise the same as mentioned above. This option costs $18. Total price would be $23 if mailed to the US, and $29 outside the US.
3)If you want the novel on a CD (NOT in a printed book version) you can do so. It would contain all artwork, formatting etc. as the printed version would. Notice that you would not be able to print it out yourself. The CD costs $12 in the US and $16 outside the US (total prices).
All zines are printed to order and normally arrive within 2 weeks but can take up to 4 weeks to arrive. All zines are sent out using priority Mail.
You can e-mail (me) Nadja Lee ( and pay through paypal using that same e-mail address. Remember to tell me your postal address. If you don't have a paypal account and don't want to set one up (it is free to do so and 100% safe - you just have to go to and follow the steps) then you can send checks or money orders. You will need to e-mail me to get the postal address to send these things to.
You can buy it through the Waveney Zines online zine shop ( and pay through their system.
Yes, paying and shopping using paypal or the zine shop is perfectly safe. Pretend this is ebay or amazon...for fandom work. ;)
I hope many of you will be interested in owning the zine and look forth to hearing from you.
Please forward a link or copy this message to any group, list or fandom interested person you know.
Note: If you order the zine as a Christmas gift for yourself or others I need to have your order within this week for the zine to arrive by the 24th/25th of December! This is in particular if the zine is going out of the USA as my zine publisher is located in the States (and even mail to Canada can sometimes be delayed for some weeks). Zines worldwide normally arrive within 2 weeks but can take up to 4 weeks to arrive.