Someone Left The Gate Open

Jul 17, 2012 22:27

It is said to be loved even once in your life is a rare a truly magnificent thing indeed.
I have been fortunate to have been loved by many more than once.
They love their own versions of me.
Then when I boomerang back, the words, "You have changed.", in that saddening tone hit me like a stone in my soul.

Why wouldn't you want me to change?  Why can't you see my core and know that won't change?
Why can't you accept the me that is here before you and the me that will come after?
Why can't you change with me?

Love to me means love the soul of me - the many hidden parts of me.  Even the me that I can't see.
Love is unconditional, making you a strangely wild soldier for the one you love.  Never wiling to give up or surrender.
Love... is like someone left the gate open and you are the happy and devoted dog ready to bound for your master.

Love is knowing when to close that gate, and when to leave it open.


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