OOC: Availability tango

Mar 30, 2006 10:49

Right. So.

This is the closing weekend of my show, which means tonight I will not be on until rather late due to a pick-up rehearsal, tomorrow I might not be on at night at all, Saturday I won't be on in the evening until late (or possibly at all), Sunday is our closing and strike and a matinee, so I REALLY won't be available, especially considering that directly after the show, I have to drive to PA for business.

My hotel, in theory, has high speed 'net access, so I might manage to pop online for a bit Sunday night (cross your fingers), but even then, odds are good it will just be to post a pre-play.

Yeah. I know. Really.

Monday, I'll be at a client's all day, probably sitting on my butt, so if I have net access at all there, I'll be online until the afternoon, when I'll be afk driving home. . . .

On Tuesday, my availability will return to it's good old, crackaddict self.

Should I survive that long.

So. Basically. I have daytime availability until Sunday. I don't really have evening availability until Monday. I have several preplayed scenes to make up for these gaps, which are cracked out enough to give me an excuse not to do anything with my primary character until at least Tuesday. Woot.

ooc, availability

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