
Nov 17, 2004 15:00

You wanna know what my most recent discovery is? You’re gonna say that I’m dumb, and I probably am, but this is what happened: last Sunday, my brother and his wife (now THAT sounds weird!) came for lunch. Only then, after knowing Julieta for 3 or 4 years, I realized that she has two different colored eyes. She was sitting and the light entering from the window was right on her while I was on the phone and I only saw it then. One of her eyes is brown and the other is green. How come I didn’t notice before, I don’t know. I always thought she had green eyes. That goes to show how much I interacted with my sister-in-law in these past years. :P Oh, and she REALLY has two different colored eyes, unlike someone *coughKATEBOSWORTHcough* who says that a brown spot in a blue eye means having two different colored eyes. *shakes head*

Last night was weird, if that term explains it. Let me tell you why… Since 2000, I’ve been listening to a radio show every night -from Monday to Friday- in Rock & Pop FM. It’s a station from Buenos Aires that has different ‘associates’ in different points of the country. We mostly get the shows done over there, but then each ‘associate’ has at least three local shows. Well, the MdP one has three, and this one, the one my brother got me into listening, is the one which has been on air for the longest time. Ok, thing is, last night was their 1200th show on air and then they said that after the show finishes this December they won’t do it again. It was quite a shock, because they never hinted that this could happen.

It’s going to be so strange to go back home after work and not grab my old, battered walkman to listen to them from 9 to 11 PM! They had been my companions almost each night for almost five seasons… I remember I began listening to them when I first began to write, when I would stay up at night to be alone and write without having people looking over my shoulder. They had been there as I tried my luck writing in English with the very first chapters of ‘Love Bites’… Actually, they have been my background music and general nonsense as I wrote almost every fic I’ve done in my life. It’s gonna be weird next year not to listen to them coming back after the summer.

Then, as I listened the these guys saying that on their show, I found that Locomotion was playing the very first chapter of Robotech. Let me explain myself here… Robotech is one of the fondest memories of my childhood. The first time it got aired down here must have been around 1986, so I was 5 or 6 years old at that time. My brother and I loved that show and watched it everyday until it ended. The weird thing is that they didn’t make re-runs of that one, something completely unusual for some of out TV channels (I’m sure at least one of them is still airing Alf and the Three Stooges). So, after that season ended, we never got to see it again. Until I was 12, that’s it.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Robotech is a cyclical thing in my life, something that only happens every six years. *LOL* I watched it for the first time when I was 6, caught it again when I was 12, then the third time when I was 18 (the time when I taped the last episode of the first part, the one with Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes, for those who know this show and my brother had the bright idea of taping an Iron Maiden show right in the piece of tape where the episode was). So I guess that the cycle is true, because I’m almost 24 and I get the chance of watching it again, for the fourth time :)

What else?? Oh, I got the chance to chat with epee_girl on Sunday after weeks of not hearing about her… Geez… four hours aren’t enough for us, right?? *LOL* We drooled over Orlando, not to mention the strange comments that come out of our mouths (rather, our fingers) when we see a picture of Sean Bean *blushes*

I got so behind with everything! I owe emails to lots of people (especially my Danish pal Bettina… She’s gonna kill me one of these days!), I have about 160 unread emails from the WDKB yahoogroup, but it’s a pleasure reading them. I don’t think I’ve ever found a group where you can say anything that comes to mind -whether related to Orlando Bloom or not- and no one is going to be bitchy about it. We’ve all had bad experiences in other groups where, only by expressing our opinions on the PR fraud that is O/K, so it’s refreshing to be there.

Talking about O/K… I’ve seen so much hypocrisy around them and their relationship, especially from some fans. Tell me if I’m wrong but… If one of the rules of your group is to supposedly keep Orlando Bloom’s personal life private it’s fine with me, that’s one of the reasons why I like Ka-bloom and why it has survived with a certain level of decency in it. But don’t use that as a shield when someone says something bad about Kate Bosworth, telling me that we shouldn’t talk about OB’s personal life when YOU, either the owner or one of the most active members of the group, sent a link with the paparazzi pictures of them somewhere. It hasn’t happened to me, but I’ve seen it.

I got tired of that crap. That’s why I put up the banner to one of the LJ communities against the O/K fraud. I guess I can say I came out of the closet *LOL* Besides, I don’t think a shipper will come specifically to my LJ and defend her. I don’t allow anonymous posting here, so if someone does, he/she has to show his/her face. I’ve seen dozens of posters bashing the anti O/K comments in sammie323’s journal. They’re all anonymous, though. Wonder why. ;)

Enough rant. Go and enjoy my new layout before I get the time to make the new one I have in mind. :P

actor: orlando bloom, tv: robotech, family, radio: barrilete cosmico, fanfiction: westlife, writing, music: westlife

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