
Jun 10, 2006 13:24

Wow I havent posted in a looong time huh? No excuses here, just laziness mostly. I tend to go thru these stages where I'm social, then I'm anti-social.

Ok, I'm still working at Applebee's, and I'm STILL waiting on that promotion that was promised to me 9 months ago. You ever feel like a rabbit chasing a carrot on a stick? I do. Boss keeps telling me "be patient" as I bust my ass working 10-16 hour days, doing EVERYTHING they ask me to do, including driving 2-1/2 hours each way on my own time to attend these "appleseed" development classes to "prove my dedication and commitment" while he runs ads in the paper and interviews and hires people off the street for manager jobs right in front of me. I'm starting to lose my patience heh =P

Anyhow, I had told him back in Feb. or March that I had a deadline, that if the promotion didnt happen by May, I was going to have to start exploring other options. So, it's June now, and theres another development coming into play here also.

My daughter is pregnant. I dont remember if I've mentioned that here before or not, but she is due on Sept. 11. It is a baby boy, who will be named Brandon Kenneth. She is at 26-1/2 weeks but she has developed placenta previa, so she needs to be watched closely from now on. Ya'll keep your fingers crossed that nothing happens and baby stays inside mama until hes big enough to be born healthy.

So, that presents another problem anyway. Even IF I were to get that promotion today, it would be hard as heck, if not impossible, to go thru 8-10 weeks of MIT training while having to constantly take time off to take her to the doctor and all her other appointments. So, I've been racking my brain, trying to figure out what to do, and how to take the last of my money and turn it into more money before it's gone.

So, I've started another business. I'm going into retail, sorta. I'm starting small. I rented a booth at the local flea market on the weekends to test the waters. My basement looks like a store lol. (Oh did I mention I bought a house?!) I've got my business license, resale tax id, most of my inventory and supplies and all that good stuff. We are just about ready to roll. I HOPE HOPE HOPE this works out!!! We are so excited because Brittany wants a job so bad, but at 15 and pregnant, with no transportation, her prospects are slim, especially with her on restriction. She is really putting a lot of effort into this, and I told her she would get 25% of the profits. This is something she could continue to do after the baby is born, she could kinda take over minding the store, so to speak, so depending on what the situation is.. either I could still maybe pursue the MIT position, or if the store does well, we could expand into the mall and just do that full time. What a rush the last week has been. I forgot how amazingly fulfilling it is to work for yourself! Oh, we will be selling personalized iPod cases, cell phone cases, etc and accessories and jewelry plus a few odds and ends. Pretty much anything to embellish or accessorize you or your stuff is the theme. I try to keep thinking positive but I'm such a worry wart. On the one hand I worry that we won't get any business and I will go broke, and on the other hand I worry that we don't have enough stuff to sell and we will sell out the first day lol.

But I really think that God is directing me in this. I have had those niggling thoughts in the back of my mind for a couple months now - stuff like "you gotta spend money to make money" and "nothing ventured, nothing gained", etc. So, one night God spoke to me and said "Flea market" and I was like "huh? you want me to do what?" From there it really took off. I took out a pen and paper and started brainstorming and it all came together in 2 days. I'm just amazed at what we've already accomplished in one weeks time. I have faith that as long as I continue to listen to his directions, we will do just fine. That old self doubt tries to rear its ugly head from time to time but I'm getting a lot better at shooting it down.

I really appreciate all your thoughts and prayers for myself and my kids and my soon-to-be-born grandson.
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