TITLE: Breakeven
AUTHOR: naddypants
CHARACTERS: Ianto and Jack. Don't worry they'll get together in the end!
SUMMARY: With Lisa gone and Ianto left alone with a baby in a cold hospital, his life feels like its about to end. But will it?
WARNINGS: Completely and utterly AU. Turn back now if you don't like AU...Also, it's a bit sad in places.
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ooooh noes. I hope that's not bad. Bless *huggles* I'm glad the start worked, I really am. It was the main part I was worried about if I be honest! But I'm really not sure what to say! You've left me blushing and speechless! You mad woman! Thank you!
Haha Oh Dylan, he's a charming little boy, isn't he? :) And if you want to, well feel free! Lmao awww I'm glad you likes him. I suppose his personality is where I wanted his Jack-ness to lie, and I'm glad it worked! As for perfect? Bloody hell thank you! Oooh how could Ianto not get attached? :P
The fairytale was the last thing that came together in this chapter, so I'm glad it worked more than anything! :D
Hahaha well your wish is my command! *see next chappy for details ;)*
Awww bless you *huggles more* are you serious? Oooh you are far too kind to me sweetie! Seriously now I've been left speechless! You're so amazing! YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY will be all I shall close.
Yay huggles! :D And ftw dancing! YAY
*flails this is sounding like a party to meeeee*
love youuuuuu!
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