Protège Moi De Mon Dèsir (4/?) [Series: I Kissed A Boy]

Apr 08, 2009 00:59

TITLE: Protège Moi De Mon Dèsir 
AUTHOR: naddypants
CHARACTERS: Owen/Ianto, mentions of Jack and Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: Ianto's subsequent moping and the confrontation with Owen. 
WARNINGS: Man on man kissy kissy. Other than that, there's sexual tension. That's about the height of it thus far.
A/N: Not much to say really, although this chapter came pretty quickly once I started on the flashback. Nonetheless, enjoy! And as ever, special cred to my Ownto beta 
just_being_me08 who helped me with the French and who's response to reading this made me smile! Also cred to melthorne because even though she's in Florida at the minute, she still goes and finds the links to Heroes for me. :P
DISCLAIMER: I own the action figures, 'cause I'm cool like that. The actual series etc, belongs to RTD and the big ole Beeb. I can't afford to be sued.

Part 1: ( I kissed a boy and he liked it. )
Part 2: ( Do you remember? Well I remember... )
Part 3: ( Read more... )

Sooooo. Dedi time! Well mainly to those who read this. Thank you all! :D Also to just_being_me08 who is endlessly awesome! *ftw dances* And tothehubsitter because you just can't have enough Patrick dancing.

"Look, Ianto, mate- NO STUPID... FUCKING STUPID!" Owen shouted in a sudden frustrated outburst, kicking a nearby table before cursing again. "...stupid," he sighed, repeating himself again.

He'd been trying to figure out what to say to Ianto for a while now, but he knew he was getting nowhere. He'd even resorted to pacing like a caged animal, up and down the stairs, around the autopsy bay, along the main area....

The Welshman was completely unpredictable, which made figuring out what to say to him without upsetting or offending him a gargantuan task - which Owen wasn't even sure why he was undertaking anymore...

Throwing himself dramatically onto the sofa in the main area of the hub he let out another sigh that was almost deafening in the complete silence of the cavernous space above him, before resigning himself to a night of uncomfortable sleep on the sofa.

He didn't want to be this confused about the bloody Tea Boy, and yet there he was, actually considering not only a full blown apology, but actually taking the glorified secretary for a drink.

Sighing, he lay back again, hoping that in the morning he'd have a clear enough head and all his bizarre feelings would be gone like a bad dream...

Ianto looked around the space that Jack had led him into the next morning. He'd been early for his first day at work - earlier than Jack had expected him to be judging by his messy hair and crumpled shirt, the braces hanging just so at his sides and-

Ianto had to stop himself before he began getting ideas about the notorious Captain Jack Harkness. He'd read the files plenty of times when he'd still worked in Canary Wharf, wishing to meet him someday, wondering what he was like. But today he just seemed like any ordinary person - not enjoying the early morning. Of course he'd smiled and turned the charm on the second he'd seen Ianto standing at the door of the tourist office (another perk of reading the files on Torchwood 3), but beneath his eyes was still dark and he was yawning profusely.

It was nice to see that even "super heroes" needed their morning coffees; but Ianto needed to focus, he didn't want to screw up all his work to get her in here. That in itself caused major problems. How on earth was he going to get Lisa into the Hub without anyone noticing?


Snapped out of his thoughts by the Captain he smiled. "Sorry sir, what can I do?"

"I just need you to man the Tourist Office really." He looked at his now empty mug. "And maybe make more of that coffee too. We'll see how you're managing in a week and then I'll give you gun training down in the range, and maybe set you to work on the archives...That's what you did in Canary Wharf right? Archivist?"

"Junior researcher, but really just a glorified archivist, yes. I did some fieldwork too - nothing major mind." He added carefully.

Jack winked. "Brilliant, go on then, be the public face of Torchwood. That tourist office hasn't been open for 5 years. It's about time it got some attention."

Ianto nodded and turned to head up the steps to the cog door when it sprung open of its own accord and a young man appeared through it...

A strangely familiar man.

"Oi Jack what's your stalker doing here?" The man said, barely registering Ianto on his way past.

Somewhere behind him Ianto heard Jack chuckle. "Leave him alone Owen, he has some skills we could use, so I hired him."

"What skills? Like persistence?" Owen shouted, his voice fading as Ianto stepped through the door and up towards the tourist office.

"Knock it off Owen..." Was the last he heard of the conversation as he trudged up the stairs, the relatively good start to his job erased by a strangely familiar Englishman.

After an hour of merciless tidying, Ianto had the tourist office looking at least respectable, although he still didn't think it'd get many visitors considering the most recent of the information booklets dated to 1992. He was going to have to order some new ones...

Suddenly over the comms unit Jack had given him earlier he heard a voice: "Ianto, mate, couldn't get the SUV out onto the Plass for us?"

And then it clicked. That night in the bar; it was the same man. And now Ianto was working alongside him. Shaking his head he made his way to the car park to get the car, but still there was a knot in his stomach about the entire situation...

Barely a day in the office and all his perceptions had been turned on their head...

The smell of bitter coffee with a soft, but sweet edge drifted into Owen's nostrils, slowly prompting him awake, causing him to roll over and land face-first on the floor of the hub.

A soft chuckle came from above him as he heard the sound of mugs being left on the table before a soft hand reached his face and ran along his cheek. "Ouh"

Groaning, he sat up and raised a hand to his face, wincing. "Ow"

"Do you need me to get you anything?" Ianto asked passively, straightening into a more defensive kneel than the one he'd taken not moments before, the concern on his face now replaced with an almost blank expression. Indifferent, that's how he looked. God why is he so defensive? Owen thought bitterly.

"Couldn't hand us that coffee?"

Ianto nodded and handed it to him, before standing up and dusting down his suit. "If you need know."

Owen inclined his head and sipped the coffee appreciatively. "Mmm...caramel. Haven't made me that in a good six months"

Ianto blushed. "No, I haven't, have I?"

"Look, Ianto-"

Before he could finish his ill-prepared apology, that soft hand had returned to his face, the thumb stroking his cheek lovingly as Ianto whispered softly, "protège moi de mes dèsirs", his face moving closer to Owen's in what felt like slow motion to both, giving Ianto time to realise he didn't care how much of a mistake it was, and Owen to resign himself to the situation - not that he entirely minded...

And then god those lips met his, and his eyes fluttered shut in bliss, their lips moving together in a struggle for dominance as Ianto gave in, opening his mouth for Owen's searching, demanding tongue, allowing Owen to taste the sweet mix of toothpaste, coffee and something completely unique before he passed out from his head injury, Ianto catching him with another soft chuckle.

"Yep, still got it." He smirked as he lay Owen on the sofa again before trotting happily off to get some ice...

Soooo, finally some action, right? YAY! What'd you think then? Did you love it, hate it...whatever you thought, please let me know! :D I love hearing from everyone! As always, peace, love...etc. MWAH.

owen harper, i kissed a boy, ianto jones, ownto

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