I'm so tired. I've got so much homework, plus I'm learning how to do the flourishes for swing tenor drumming. Had another non-fiction workshop today; I'm surrounded by idiots that either can't or won't read. Every other comment was answered in the text, and another classmate pointed it out. Oh well.
Nearly done with the MST: :)
Whoops. I'm rather ditzy. I didn't do the tag right, so the MST didn't show up.. here it is, in all it's MSTness...
Sorry this chapter took so long. But here it is. Finally.
[Elladan: She assumes someone was looking forward to it.]
Thanks to everyone who’s reviewed - I love the whole lot of you!
[Legolas: I could have sworn she hated us.]
Disclaimer: STILL not owning anything.
WARNING: This chapter contains kissing between two males, so if you don’t like it, don’t read it!
[Aragorn: I’ll be leaving the room now.
Luitha: Sit, boy.
Aragorn: She said-
Tadan: It doesn’t apply to people MSTing.]
Legolas’s Point of View.
[Legolas: When I agreed to come over? I have no idea. I think I was delusional.]
Thranduil paced up and down his study in fury.
[Tadan: How do you pace in fury? I’d think it would be stalking.]
Legolas was sitting slumped in a chair, still breathing heavily, anger still tingling in his blood which was coursing through his veins at about a hundred miles per hour, and not really taking in anything his father was saying.
[Luitha: The author really likes physical abuse.
Elrohir: Could be worse. Could be lightning bolts going through his veins again.
Elladan: I think the author is just obsessed with veins. It’s all, angsty and stuff.
Luitha: You guys really creep me out when you talk like that.]
‘I just can’t believe you would DO such a thing!’
[Legolas: (as himself) Me either!]
Thranduil, who was usually so calm and collected, was in such a rage as no-one had ever seen him in before.
[Tadan: You know, this fic does have one thing going for it: It isn’t an Evil!Thranduil fic. This makes it very rare.]
‘Legolas, I know that you haven’t been the same since what happened to your mother and your sister.
[Legolas: I can’t help it. My golden heart rotted. Can’t you smell that?]
You’ve been quiet and very reserved, but there is NO excuse for this behaviour!
[Elladan: Hear, hear! Let’s lynch the author now!]
You’ve disgraced the whole country - my whole kingdom! And in front of all the guests too!
[Elrond: Oh yes, Kinslaying attempts are always worse just because they’re in front of guests… Arrogant pup.]
What am I going to do? How am I ever going to tie friendships and bonds with you, my SON, running around trying to murder everyone!’
[Aragorn: Honestly, friendships and bonds wouldn’t be my primary concern right now.]
Thranduil finally realised that Legolas wasn’t really listening as he saw him starting to play with a lock of hair.
[Legolas: That settles it. The author hates me. Not only do I pull that stunt with Arwen, I’m callous and condescending about it.]
‘Do you have anything you want to say?’ He asked his only son with a sigh.
[Elrohir: How do you have a son with a sigh?
Elladan: When two sighs sigh each other very much...]
In reply Legolas just looked up and glared at his father so intensely that Thranduil actually had to take a step back.
[Elrond: Yes, because Elf Lords are easily intimidated by glares. This author should stick to things she knows when she writes, like… um… on second thought, they really should stop writing.]
‘There are actually quite a lot of things I want to say, but you’ve never been bothered to listen before, so why should you now?’
[Tadan: Okay, sorry, I take back what I said earlier. I guess this is an Evil!Thranduil badfic.]
The king just stood with his mouth open for a while, speechless.
[Aragorn: I’d be speechless too, after that.]
After waiting a few seconds, Legolas continued.
[Elrohir: Why wait? Why not get him while he’s stunned?
Elladan: It’s much easier to pull a second prank or escape if you don’t wait for them to recover.]
‘Just as I thought.
[Luitha: Shocked silence means nothing.]
Now if you’ll excuse me, your Majesty, I’d like to leave. I have better things to do than listen to you, okay?’ With that he turned and walked out of the door, leaving a pretty annoyed and confused father behind him.
[Tadan: Question. Would he be allowed to just wander around after trying to kill Arwen?
Elrond: No. There would at least be a guard.
Elrohir: Even though it is his father’s realm, he wouldn’t be treated like ‘royalty’ after something like that.]
Legolas lay on his bed staring dejectedly at the ceiling when a messenger appeared outside the door with a message
[Aragorn: Fancy that, the messenger has a message.
Tadan: Quite the talented messenger too, to appear instead of walking or arriving…]
for him from his father. He swung his legs over the bed and went across to pick up the note from where the messenger had pushed it underneath his door. It read;
[i]Legolas -
From now on you will be confined to your room until further notice. But first, you will apologise to Estel and Arwen.[/i]
[Luitha: I’d keep him far away from them, if I was Thranduil.
Legolas: I’d keep that Legolas far away from [b]everyone[/b], honestly.]
[i]I have never been so humiliated, and I am ashamed to call you my son.
[Elrond: About time someone in this fic showed a backbone.]
A tear slid down
[Tadan: How cliché.]
Legolas’ pale cheek, and letting it drop onto his hand, he looked at it in wonder for a while.
[Legolas: (as himself) Why, what is this? It looks like a tear, but I am moved to wonder at it.
It had been quite a few centuries since he had last cried……
[Tadan: Hang on. If Legolas is 16, how did he cry centuries ago?
Elrohir: Come now, everyone knows that ‘centuries’ really means ‘a couple of years.’]
Aragorn’s Point of View.
After a few hours of continuous crying,
[Elrond: And quite the dehydration headache.]
Estel finally got up off his bed and went over to look in the mirror in his bathroom. He looked terrible.
[Elladan: What do you expect from someone who has never taken a proper bath?
Aragorn flings peanuts at Elladan.]
His hair was scruffy and knotted, his eyes were red and puffy, and his face was streaked with tears.
[Elrohir: Other than the signs of crying, what else is new?
Aragorn: Don’t make me come over there.]
He dipped his hands into the cold water in the basin and splashed in onto his face as he heard a knock on the door. Quickly drying his face with a towel he rushed over to see who it was.
[Tadan: Rushing with a towel blocking your sight. Always a good idea.]
When he opened it to find Legolas, he was slightly shocked for a moment,
[Luitha: I’d be a bit more than slightly shocked.]
until Legolas said quietly,
‘Could I come in for a minute?’
[Aragorn: (as himself) You just tried to kill me! Heck no! Guards! Guards!
Tadan: Oh, I like that book.
Aragorn: What?
Luitha: Don’t mind her. She’s a blonde.
Tadan sticks her tongue out at Luitha.]
‘Uh, yes, yes, of course.’ he stuttered.
[Luitha: Once again, hello, captain obvious. I mean, we can tell he stuttered…]
H hadn’t decided whether he hated Legolas or not yet,
[Elrond: Who is H, and why would he hate Legolas?]
seeing as he had given up trying to think because it hurt his head too much
[Aragorn: Comment and die.
Elrond: Would you really kill your father-in-law, not to mention foster father?
Tadan: Would he really be able to? I mean, Elf versus Man here, not much of a challenge, I’d think.]
- nothing made sense.
[Elladan: Just like this fic!]
He sat down on his bed and watched at Legolas shut the door and took a deep breath.
[Luitha: He just sat down? I’d have grabbed some weaponry.]
‘I know, you probably hate me now, and I don’t blame you,’ he started, looking at the floor,
[Tadan: Once again, thanks to the author’s lack of correct pronoun use, Aragorn is talking when Legolas should be.]
‘I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know that I’ve hurt you and Arwen a lot, and it makes it even more hard that you know how I feel now, and I’m sorry.’
[Legolas: (as himself) I’m sorry that I’m stuck in this garbage.]
‘Is it really true then?’ asked Estel quietly after a moments silence.
[Aragorn: (as himself) Is Who on first base?
Legolas: (as himself) Yes, it’s true, and What is on second.]
‘Is what true?’
[Elrohir: (as Aragorn) That my foster-father is really Agent Smith?
Elladan: Ai! The horrors!
Elrond: The joke was inevitable.
Tadan snickers.
Luitha groans.]
‘How you feel about me?’
[Aragorn: (as himself) You really must hate me, to try to kill me.
Legolas: (as himself) It was a mercy-killing attempt, I swear. I thought they’d execute me and then I’d be free of this…]
[Elrohir: Apparently you’re not as good an Elf as Gildor.
Elladan: He would have thrown in a few ‘maybes’ and ‘nos’.
Elrohir: Sorry. You can try next time, though, at the 4381st annual Are You As Elvish As Gildor Inglorian contest.]
There was another pause until Estel said;
‘We’re leaving tomorrow.’
[Aragorn: (as himself) Here, let me give you our itinerary. I really do like the idea of mercy killing.]
‘I know’
[Legolas: (as himself) While I might not be as good as Gildor, I did steal Galadriel’s mirror, and have been stalking you in your past, present, and future. Oh, believe it or not, we’ll have a chance to be completely alone for quite a long time, but this stupid Dwarf will get in the way…]
The man stood up and took a deep breath before walking towards Legolas.
[Elrond: But where did he take the deep breath?]
‘We may never see each other again for a long time - possibly even never .’
[Elrohir: That’s actually a good idea.]
‘I know,’ replied Legolas still looking at the floor, ‘But isn’t that what you want?’
[Elladan: It’s what ALL the readers of this mess want!]
‘Legolas, look at me.’
[Aragorn: (as himself) Look! I’ve got my eyeballs in, you have your eyeballs back, and neither of us is stuck with a beam!]
Legolas turned his face upwards to look at Estel, and he was surprised to see the elf had tears running slowly down his face.
[Tadan: Pronouns 101: Make them agree. This says that Legolas is surprised that there are tears on his face, and he can see his own tears. Unless Aragorn is wearing a mirror that sentence doesn’t quite work.]
The ice was melting.
[Elladan: If only that had happened before the Titanic struck it.]
Legolas was feeling emotions - sadness, pain, grief.
[Elrohir: Do you think the author realizes that anger, hate, and contempt are emotions too?
Tadan: No. I think the author is emo, and for them those are states of being.]
‘Before we go, I just want you to know something.’
[Elrohir: (as Estel) Legolas, I am your father.]
Legolas nodded, but looked at Estel in confusion as he said;
‘But I can’t tell you, so I’ll have to show you’
[Tadan: Should I drop the whole vague pronoun thing? Or should I keep commenting…
Elladan: I like how people confuse themselves in this fic.]
Legolas’s Point of View.
Legolas had no idea what the human meant when he had said that, but when Estel leaned in and kissed him on the lips,
[Aragorn: Death is too good for this author.
Legolas: Why do so many hate me?]
he froze, not being able to take in what was happening. Estel pulled away quickly in horror.
[Legolas: Hey! I’m not THAT bad a kisser!
Elrohir: Who knows? You’re not married…
Legolas: Neither are you.
Elladan: Everyone knows that’s because we love each other very m-
Elrond: Complete that sentence. I dare you.
Tadan snickers.]
‘I’m sorry,’ he mumbled to his chest, ’I shouldn’t have done that.’
[Luitha: Why is he talking to his chest?]
Legolas stood in utter confusion for a minute before realising that if Estel was going to leave, and if there was a chance that he might die without Estel, then why wasn’t he kissing him back?
[Elrohir: I dunno. Sense of self-preservation, perhaps?
Elladan: Maybe dignity.
Legolas: Could be the first bit of brains fic-me has shown this whole time.]
So, as Estel looked back up to see what Legolas was doing, Legolas threw his arms behind the man’s head, and their lips met powerfully.
[Aragorn stands up and picks up his glass.
Aragorn: If you want me, I’ll be in the kitchen, drinking every alcoholic liquid you have.
Legolas stands up.
Legolas: I’ll be with him.
Tadan grins.
Aragorn: And the first one to suggest anything remotely related to slash will be introduced to Andúril.
Tadan: But you just suggested it. So you’re the first. What happens to the second?
Luitha: Tadan, shut it. Aragorn and Legolas, sit.
They sit.
Elladan: Another glass?
Legolas: What is it?
Aragorn: I don’t care what it is. Pour.]
Both human and elf were surprised at how much passion, love and longing they felt in that kiss.
[Aragorn and Legolas each down a serving of absinthe and hold the glasses out to Elladan for refills. Elladan obliges.]
When he could breathe no more, Legolas pulled back and looked into Estel’s eyes for a moment, before whispering ‘goodbye’ and turning to leave.
[Legolas is muttering Sindarin obscenities while getting a second refill.
Aragorn: Leave already! Just go!
Tadan: Bad fanfic authors - making alcoholics out of Kings since December 19th, 2001.
Legolas: Long may that day live in infamy.
Legolas holds glass up to Aragorn.
Legolas: Cheers.]
Later, he was sitting on his bed.
[Elrond: Bleach. Now.
Tadan: No, no, it’s an alone scene now. We’re semi-safe for the rest of this chapter, which ends very soon here.
Elrohir: Short chapters are much better than long ones…
Luitha: (watching Legolas and Aragorn) Um, how much of that stuff is safe?
Tadan: It’s made from wormwood. None. But it doesn’t matter - Legolas is immortal and Elrond’s a healer. So they’ll survive.]
Again. He had walked down to where they were tending Arwen, and finding her unconscious had left a note on her bedside table, which had ‘I’m sorry’ scrawled onto it -blurred and smudged with lots of tears.
[Tadan: That they even let him in the same room with her boggles the mind.]
He was now locked in his room.
[Elrond: About time.]
Until Iluvatar knew when.
[Tadan: I hate to ask this… but is the author implying she’s Iluvatar?
The group rereads.
Elrond, Elrohir, and Elladan fill glasses with absinthe and drink.]
At least he would be able to watch Estel leave in the morning……. Even if it would break his heart.
[Luitha: A medical question: what sort of noise would a rotten muscle make when breaking?
Elrond: Some sort of ‘squelching’ noise, I’m sure. Why?
Tadan: Ew, ew ew.]
So, REVIEW! Please?
[Legolas: It’s the end? The absinthe hasn’t even kicked in yet!
Tadan: Don’t worry. There’s one chapter to go.
Luitha: Keep drinking at that rate and you’ll be too sloshed to understand a word of it.
Legolas’ face brightens.
Legolas: Really??
Legolas fills his glass again.]