My face is painted and I'm at work. I love Fridays. I've heard nothing yet about the teaching position, so we'll see how that goes.
And now, a meme.
RULES: Comment and I'll LJ stalk you to find THREE FANDOMS you apparently love. And then you answer these questions about them!
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
erraticflow gave me Bleach, Star Trek, and Babylon 5.
01: It was a late night, and I was staying up to watch Big O and Wolf's Rain anyways, so I figured I'd give the new show a chance. It was pretty fun, so I kept watching, mildly interested. Then I got online and discovered for the first time that anime comes in 'dubbed' and 'subbed,' and by watching one episode of Bleach subbed, I was hooked. The voices really are that much better, and I marathoned that sucker to catch up to Japan. And then I read the manga. Oh gosh, I was so very hooked for so long.
02: My enthusiasm is beginning to fade with every Ichigo-centric or Orihime-centric chapter. If we can have some more awesome captain stuff, if Urahara GETS HIS LAZY BUTT THERE with Ryuuken and Isshin and Yoruichi and Tessai, then I think I'll stay hooked. But if we go back to Ichigo in Hueco Mundo, and ESPECIALLY if he gains some new power to defeat Yammy, I might be done with it. Please let Kenpachi take on Yammy. With Shikai. Please...
03: My favorite episode... hm. I do enjoy the one where Kenpachi is trouncing Ichigo. I love the chapter where the four captains show up in Hueco Mundo.
04: Through discussion and roleplay and fanfic. I'm working on my drawing skills, but they're pretty much fail.
05: Good question. Yes and no. Yes, if they're into the whole DBZ "I POWER UP MORE AND MORE" thing, or if they're patient enough to wait for interesting bits with the smaller characters, like the Captains. No if they're sick of a teenage boy getting impossibly stronger and better than everyone and being brash and annoying to boot.
01. Dad would get home from work when we were little, then we would all eat dinner and rush out to the television to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. The rest didn't like it as much as Dad and I did. Mom would wander off, the sisters would go play elsewhere, but Dad and I were always hooked. And he showed me episodes of the Original Series as well. When DS9 came out, we watched that together. Voyager, same. Etnerprise, we didn't, uh, exactly get into. But I'm catching reruns every now and then, and it's not too painful.
02. Pfft. Yes. I was born into being a Star Trek fan, I will forever be a Star Trek fan. Spock was one of my first crushes. >.> The other was Sherlock Holmes. I was a strange child.
03. My favorite episodes... oh gosh. As far as TOS goes, City on the Edge of Forever and Trouble With Tribbles are VERY high up there. TNG would be anything with Tomalak or Sela or Mriarity. DS9, I loved the Magnificent Ferengi, the Bashir Bond episode (Our Man Bashir, maybe? I'm bad with titles), the episode where the Ferengi time travel, anything with Tora Ziyal, Garak, or Bashir, and shoot, my bias is showing. For Voyager, I think my favorite episode would be the one with Tuvix. Or the holodeck adventures.
04. OH HECK NO. Well, okay, not that much. I admit I've got a pet story I've poked at a bit for Strange New Worlds. But I'm not touching this fandom with a twenty-foot-pole, beyond possibly RPing someone from it in the future. It's not nearly as insane as Avatar, which I'll flee, but... the fights over Real TOS and XI are just... Do not want. I don't even see where the issue is. Trek's always had alternate universes, and I love the Mirror Universe. The only character who was really different was Scotty. And no, you can't get away with it just because you're a well-loved actor. This is a character that's been loved for longer than you've been alive. Please do some research, thanks. Yeah. I'm not getting involved in that.
05. Yes. Definitely. They need to be aware that Gene Roddenberry's message was very heavy-handed, especially in TNG, and sometimes it gets overbearing. But DS9 is such a jewel, and Voyager is awesome too. At the end of the day, it's the characters that develop and grow and learn, and that's what makes any series worth it. TOS, DS9, and VGR all started out with a whole lot of awesome characters and grew from there. TNG... was rocky. But it had its good characters too. Still deciding on ENT.
01. It was on. I wish there had been some shining aha moment, but nope. Turned on the television to see the episode about parasitic aliens extending lives. That was creepy. I didn't like it much, truth be told, but I did like "the hot doctor and the snarky dude," Stephen Franklin and Michael Garibaldi. So I tried it again the next week... and I was hooked. There is no sci-fi show that gives or has given its aliens so much care and love, so much depth and development. This was not a "look, they're aliens, let's see how different they are!" show. This was a "we're in this universe together, and sometimes I really hate you, but we're screwed if we go it alone" series. The first season was very rough. I'm glad I saw it after I'd seen the rest.
02. The show has been over for years and years, and I still get excited when I rewatch and episode. Just hearing the credit music somewhere makes my day. I don't think I'll ever leave this one behind.
03. Oh man. Hah. Okay. Um. The whole third and fourth seasons. Yeah. I do like the wave-to-Mr.-Morden thing in particular, I love flustered G'Kar, and to watch Londo change and grow, and seeing Franklin struggle through his things... I love it. There is no other show in sci-fi that has ever loved its characters so much.
04. What fandom? It's gone. I roleplay Londo, one person used to roleplay Bester. I've seen an Ivanova, Garibaldi, and Kosh, each once. B5 isn't airing anymore, anywhere, on anything. Books aren't being written. And two of its main actors are dead. The series I love the most is fading from general knowledge.
05. YES. If you love character development and can deal with a rocky first season that sets all of the story in motion, if you love a series where the story is complete and so beautiful and sometimes it HURTS, WATCH BABYLON 5. And you know, it's not just the sci-fi aspect of it. Even the aliens are so very human, with the struggles they have.
So in summary, go watch Babylon 5, the first two seasons are on Hulu, so go get hooked. And then seek out the third and fourth seasons, which were the best. Star Trek is good, but the fandom is splintered and crazy liek woah right now. Bleach is repititious but I enjoy the bit characters, so I'll probably stick with it.
And I'm coming out of the closet about being a Naruto fan to say GO KAKASHI! Latest chapter is win. He gets to be smart and put things together. :D This is why Maes and Kakashi working together is a dangerous thing in Adstring, la de da.