#035, Ashley Coloring..

Jun 30, 2010 21:37


Other Examples ..

1. Open your picture, Crop it & lighten it if it's too DARK ..

2. add a new layer and fill it with #3b1b1b, set it to Screen.

3.give the icon more contrast by using Brightness/contrast, my setting were
B: 0
C: +22

4.lighten it by Levels:
12, 1.11. 255

5. to give it more pinkish coloring, use Channel Mixer:
Red: 98, 0, 2
Green: 0, 98, 0
Blue: 0, 0, 103

6. now Click Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to marge all the layers, then go to Image -> Adjustments -> Variations and choose More Blue.

7. give the icon more contrast by using Brightness/contrast, my setting were
B: 0
C: +52

8. add a new layer and fill it with #3b1b1b, set it to Screen.

9. to get rid of the red-ness in the icon use the Selective Color:
Reds: +100, +5, +28, +13
Yellows: -100, -100, +100, 0
Whites: +6, -22, +40, 0
Blacks: 0, 0, 0, 10

10. take this texure
by innocent_lexys  and set it to Softlight. I usually darken the hair by using smudge ..

11. take this texure
by ???and set it to Softlight. Opacity: 54 to add more lighting ..

12. now is the fun part, marge all the layers by clicking Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E then go to Image -> Adjustments -> Variations, the choose whatever result you like, in this one I choose more blue then cyan then Yellow and got this ..

13. give it more contrast by using Brightness/contrast, my setting were
B: 0
C: +19

14. last & Optional step take this texure
by innocent_lexys  and set it to Screen. opacity: 10%

last marge all then sharpen it and change the opacity to what you like ...


!psd, !tutorial

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