Friends Coloring

Dec 05, 2008 08:52

Friends Coloring


Open your picture, Crop it & lighten it if it's too DARK ..

We want to give the picture a Blue-ish look, so add new layer and fill it with #6ca0c7, set it to Softlight ..

As we can see, the icon is kinda too bright, so we want to darken it, I used the curves:
RGB: Input: 155, Output: 103

We need to increase the red, using the Selective Color:
Reds: -100, 0, 0, 0
Yellows: -100, 0, 0, 0
Whites: 0, 0, -100, 0
Neutrals: -27, 0, +12, 0
Blacks: 0, 0, +32, +8

using the curves:
Red: 1st point: input: 30, Output: 17
2nd point: input: 171, Output: 181
Blue: 1st point: input: 74, Output: 46
2nd point: input: 211, Output: 217

I wanted to add a small touch to the coloring, so I added a new layer fill it with #200c0c and set it to Exclusion ..

now the last step, we will need to some shadows, I used Color Balance:
Midtones: -15, 0, 0
Shadows: 0, 0, +18
Highlights: 0, 0, +8

Other Examples:
With SC:

Without SC:

PSD, ..

!psd, !tutorial

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