#070; Tutorial

Feb 19, 2012 12:44


Curves | Vibrance | Color Balance | Gradient Fill
Requested By trustmydoctor from here

1. create your base. (duplicate it and sharpen it; but i usually leave the sharpenning to the end)

2. Add the clouds to the base.


3. Brighten the base the way you like, I used Curves.

3. Add Vibrance to bring out the coloring. Vibrance: 100, you can use the saturation if you don't have Vibrance.

4. Using Gradient Fill with dark Pruple and orange, set it to Hard Light and change the opacity to 17%

5. Add Color Balance:
Midtones: 27, 23, -19
Shadows: 15, 3, -13
Highlights: 0, 2, -5

6. the icon is a bit dark for my taste so I brighten it a little using curves again.

and you finished the coloring. I added this texture by ???? and set it to screen.


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