#050; My Icons Through The Years ..

Mar 15, 2011 05:33

Hi everyone .. how are you .. ?
I've always these kind of posts .. where you can see the icon-maker started and where is he now .. so I went through back in and tried to see what my stuff looked like back in years ..

before I ever started making icons I used to making bigger graphics, when I discover LJ I became interseted in making icons seeing all the beautiful icons here .. so I looked through Icon_tutorial and I did every tutorial I seen and saved every tutorial list I came through .. here are a few from before starting using my LJ which is before March 2008 ..

as you can see there were a lot of Selective Color & Saturation usage, I used to abuse it ..

March 2008 ..

I started to make the coloring myself, wome of them looks weird and lack the contarst ..

April 2008 ..

Blur + Sharpen + Experment with the coloring ..

May 2008 ..

Playing with the coloring +cropping

June 2008 ..

I most of the time pretty much foucsed on the close cropping ..

July 2008 ..

August 2008 ..

September 2008 ..

it seemes that I was in love with the close cropping (+ this was the last batch in my personal LJ)

October 2008 ..

the first batch in here, I still feel proud of these, trying different tactics ..

December 2008 .. [Only 3 teasers since there were one batch every 1OR2 month ..]

January 2009 ..

February 2009 ..

May 2009 ..

July 2009 ..

I still remember loving the Variations [Specially; More Red]

August 2009 ..

October 2009 ..

November 2009 ..

January 2010 ..

March 2010 ..

May 2010 ..

June 2010 ..

July 2010 ..

[ in June/July I loved the Blue tone I still love it it looks great if used right]

August 2010 ..

September 2010 ..

December 2010 ..

January 2011 ..

February 2011 ..

+ a Teasers for next batch ..

I still want to learn how to use text, but i still sucks .. LOL ..


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