
Mar 29, 2004 13:45

Yes I had my first COW!


I had a wonderful time at Celebration of Woomanhood. If you have thought about going in the past, but never made it, you should go next year.

It was great to have some girl time. I felt empowered by cooking breakfast on Satuday and Sunday for the three of us all by myself!

I ate well and didn't blow my diet. I even risisted the extra Kisses at the main ritual.

Meg and I were a little late in getting there, but we still had plenty of time to set up and make it for a little pre ritual dance time. The open ritual was nice, they had milk and cookies for "cakes and ale". I thought that was very funny.

We went to bed late and got up early Saturday morning to worship the Goddess Caffiena (yummy coffee). I couldn't find the bath house the first morning so I walked all the way to the main lodge to pee! Wolfie and I thought I wouldn't get enough exercise, HA!

Then we made Wild Woman masks and I burned my thum on the hot glue gun. Ouch, but at least the burn is in the shape of a crescent moon. *l* My mask turned out beautifully.

We made egg and bottle shakers to have rythm instruments for the drumming that night. Made a great soft sounding one with some of the shells from the Pistacio nuts I was munching on.

We talked about our roles in sex and what makes us feel sexy. We had been instructed to bring something that made us feel sexy. I brought my burgandy velvet dress and was begged into singing a verse of "Fever" One lady said I should get on American Idol and tell Simon to kiss my ass. *smile*

That night we had a lot of fun with face paint. We decorated our faces, arms, and breasts. I turned one lovely woman's chest into an amazing butterfly. The main ritual was all right. It was outside and so it was dificult to hear some of the speakers, and it was long. But it was pretty and I love my Wild Woman token.

After that some of the ladies had a Wild Woman ritual that we were invited to attend. That ritual was powerful. It was very moving and the energy was great! Then we danced and drummed and talked and laughed and painted other parts of our body. I have some great artwork at home. *grin* Then we had to take a shower to get all the paint off. I have never been in a shower with 4 other women. *l* Someone had to help me get all the paint off and it's only polite to return the favor.

I slept like a rock that night.

Sunday morning we packed up and headed up to the main lodge for closing ritual and a planning meeting for next year.

Ritual was a little long, but it was nice to hear that so many women had as wonderful a time as I did. For my token I picked a blue box that had a note in it that reads "Take time to meditate." and was very suprised. I have been thinking about meditation a lot lately. I am not very good at it and I know I have lots to learn. It was just a confirmation that I do need to keep working on it.

The planning meeting went well. We had a lot of great ideas and it made me really look foreward to next year!

I can't wait to see all my sister COW's next year and meet some new ones too!

pagan, cow

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