Velvet Revolver concert - Atlanta, GA - 10/3/07

Oct 04, 2007 08:04

We had a great time at this concert! The HiFi Buys Ampitheater is nice.

We got there a little early and were directed to the VIP parking area, got into the correct line at the VIP entrance and waited. When they finally opened the doors they tell us that no cameras will be allowe, so Wolf has to go back to the car and put up my camera. Luckily VIP parking was pretty close. We got in and were in the Hooters Live VIP lounge and got some cash from an ATM since the bar there only took cash. The ATM charged a $3.95 service fee! Then we got Wolf a double Rum & Coke and got a bottled water for me ($18.00). We went to look for our seats and found the VIP box we were supposed to be in. I tell you, that is the way to see a concert. They have a bar top to lean on and barstools as the seating so you can see above the heads of all the people down front.

Sparta (a Texas band) opened the show. They had a heavy sound and some interesting lyrics. I think I will have to see if I can find some of their music on Pandora. They played for about an hour. The crowd hadn't really filled in yet.

Then Alice in Chains played. I hadn't heard anything from them in a long time because I thought I didn't really care for them. I honestly used to like Alice in Chains but then they played that damned Rooster song on the radio over and over again and that ruined it. Last night rekindled my enjoyment of their music. The relitively new lead singer William DuVall. His voice sounds younger to me than Layne Staley's, even though accodring to his Wikipedia article he just turned 40 this past September. Duvall's voice has a slightly gravely sound that I think goes well with the bands style of music. The last song they played was the aforementioned "damned Rooster song". I actually enjoyed it live.

Last was Velvet Revolver. Slash is a guitar god. You can't help but be wowed when listening to him play. Scott Weiland did a great job with showmanship, but he bugged me a little bit because he kept using a bull horn to sing into. It didn't really make it any louder (the music was so load that at one point I think my hair was pulsing to the beat) but it distorted his voice in a funky way. To me the bull horn is a neat once prop. Stop using it in multiple songs in the same show. Luckily he put the bull horn down while they did covers of Patience (Guns & Roses) and Vaseline (Stone Temple Pilots) and a few others that I can't remeber the names of right now.

The only bad part of the night was during the last part of Velvet Revolver's show when some drunk ass started throwing beer. He splattered me with some first and then beaned Wolf in the back of the head with a partially filled 24oz can. Luckily my Wolfie's head was ok and we didn't have to hunt the thrower down and kill him. We did report it to security though. That was another nice thing about the VIP boxes. We had a waiter and security close by to keep out the rif-raf. VIP is definately the way to go.

We left the concert, made it home save around midnight and crashed. My alarm went off too early this morning, but at least I still have Slither playing on the virtual CD player in my brain.

hifi buys ampitheater, concerts, atlanta

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