oh shit here comes an update

Aug 17, 2007 18:05

hellohellohello ljljlj.

well here i am once again updating. what i really like about updating once a week is that i've started listening to all my music on random whilst i do this. and considering that my mp3 player is a bit incapacitated right now, it's good to listen to it when i can. i'm also drinking Rally cola and wearing a blue shirt. now that you have a visual, let's begin!

things have gotten much better since last week. where did we last leave off? friday? jeezis.

last saturday i did some yard work for an old professor of mine. it was like mowing and gardening and vacuuming indoors and moving a bunch of shit to a shed and the like. there were massive thorn bushes in that yard and i got cut up like dj revolution cuts up scratches. i worked while i was bleeding. it was metal. also, i talked with my professor about traveling because he's been all around the world. his advice was basically "do it". i think this is not a bad mentality to have. after the work, i earned enough cash to go home and pay the cable bill which was sweet.

i went home sunday night and monday night. during this time i got together about 2 crates worth of records to sell and about 75 comic books. i spent ALL sunday night pricing the mother fuckers. like 4 hours. then the next day i woke up and called around and no one would buy them. apparently nobody wants comics from the 80s and 90s. as GOB would say, "COME on!!". those were golden decades. mainly because i grew up in them. nothing beats 90s music. the comics were pretty dope too.

after i found out that the comics wouldn't sell, i decided to spend monday night at home. during the day i had nothing to do so i finished Deathly Hallows. definitely the best harry potter book. easily. not only that, it's probably one of the best books i've ever read. highly recommended. if you've read it, talk to me about it. please. that night i hung out with mike. we played wii and guitar hero and hung out with mike's girlfriend. it was fun, definitely... but what i really wanted to do was just hang out with mike and talk to him about my life and have him tell me about his. i feel like when we hang out, we're still in high school and all we do it play video games. i want to shoot the shit with him and hear about his life and whatnot (heh. i almost wrote "shatnot"). i feel like this will never happen. sigh... oh well. video games are pretty fun.

also that night i got a phone call from camp. it was great. like really great. that's all i'm sayin.

then on my way home i got a call from officeteam western mass. well they totally redeemed themselves by giving me a job! hallelujah hollaBACK. it's basically working in this office and processing timesheets from other jobs. VERY easy and actually kind of boring. the people who work with me are all foreign and hard to understand, but really nice to me. i don't see myself doing this for very long. it's only 28 hours a week so another part time job would be swell. also, i still got my soccer photography thing that happens once a month. we'll see if the dough piles up. before coming home, i sold my records. i didn't get very much for them and decided to splurge it on food. this was a great idea because now i am SET in that department.

since then i've just been working at my new job. highlights include seeing "Bourne Supremacy" with India, getting an e-mail back from Captain Video saying they want to interview me and showing Ian 28 Days Later. between that and Cabin Fever, i have him pretty much converted to amazing horror movies. having Ian around is still awesome, by the way. i secretly wish he really lived with me. he's pretty dope.

I think i've got this whole traveling thing worked out. i realized that the program i found that would hook me up with teaching English in another country is really not that expensive. So, i'm going to take the money that would have been spent on my traveling and go on a CRUISE next year with my parents and Chelsea! meanwhile, in the next year, i'm going to save up money on my own and pay on my own for this course and this whole teaching English program. I think if i'm frugal, i can do it. tentatively, i'd be saving up, take the 2 month online course, then go a year from now (when i'm not living on my own) next fall to China. but who knows? it's a year from now. things could change like that and a... ya know... and that's how it goes.

I've been working on Rediscovery a lot. I have ideas for almost every track now and about half of it recorded. just you all wait. it's going to be straight bananas. "but josh, bananas are usually crooked" you say. dude, you don't even know. s'all i'm sayin. Music in general has been changing for me. i'm slowly getting back to the pop scene. current jams i'm really enjoying are "the way i are" by timbaland, "whine up" by kat deluna and elephant man, "stronger" by kanye west and the new foo fighters song. i forget what it's called, but it's good. ALSO. guys. go get the new M.I.A. album on tuesday. ohhhhhhh my god is it good. if you don't believe me, listen to "boyz" and "bird flu" on her space: http://www.myspace.com/mia . it's SO great.

The other night i re-read the sibleyjhc2k4 livejournal community (all of it). it took several hours but man. it like, revitalized a part of me. i can't explain it. i just realized how differently i write now than i did back in '04. basically i think by reading that lj, i awoke the inner child in me that has been chillin'. that's the best way i can describe it. i just feel a lot better about things in general. it feels great. in fact, it feels great!

That is about it. things to look forward to? THIS WEEKEND. there is a tri-birthday party at cal's house for Tom, Rachel and Cal's birthdays that are around the same time. there's going to be approximately one shit-ton of rowies there and it excites me like a hyena drinking 5 hour energy shots. then on sunday, max, his girlfriend and i are going to see ELI LITWIN'S band play in Gil, mass! as if THAT wasn't enough, next week heather is coming to western mass for a little while!!!!! picture that same hyena now drinking 10 hour energy shots. alsoooo PK MIGHT STOP BY FOR A BIT AND THE THREE OF US MIGHT SEE SUPERBAD. if that happens, the hyena will chug a gallon of 100 hour energy shots and the universe will implode.

so yeah. i'm pretty psyched as you can tell. hope y'all enjoyed the update.

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