The other night, I was remembering about a story I had.
It's a story that doesn't need more of development that it already has, I know how it would be told, and that once finished, it would be closed. And since it's the same kind of plot as some other story, illustrating it isn't interesting. imsoboringasanauthorIknow
So I was thinking about doing a webcomic. °_°
I don't really get the rythm of a webcomic, I can't even follow regularly T^T So about drawing one, I don't know if i could do it.
When I work on a comic, I tend to be fixed only on it, I'll do nothing else. (and when I stop, it's so hard to go back to the flow of work) But I can't really tell since I only do short stories... I can't concentrate long enough to draw long stories.. Makes me realize that I fail so much haha
So now, I don't know about it yet. I'll think about it longer, I don't have free time for now anyway xD