Finally a proper update

Dec 06, 2006 15:42

I think it's about time I wrote a proper entry here. So.. update on various things:

- Driving. Had my latest driving lesson last Wednesday and boy, was I nervous! I drove in the middle of the city, with cars everywhere around me, in rush hour traffic. I also drove to Karslund, passed Längbro church and even drove past my own housing area. So, I tried a little of everything and it went fairly well. I need to be even more observant though, or bad things could probably happen o_o And I also still need to practise letting in the clutch, because there were a couple of "motorstopp" (help?) in crossings ^^;; I was too nervous and anxious to get off, I suppose. Oops.

- Exams. Essay exam last Thursday.. I think I'll pass. From a language point of view my essay is probably okay, but I'm not so sure about the content. Time will tell. Though it will take too long for it to do so, if you ask me :/ I hate how bloody long it always takes to get the results >_< We have one great teacher when it comes to correcting exams though. It only takes a few days for her to do it. She's outstanding :) And.. the exam two days ago, the vocabulary/word knowledge exam. I will so fail ;__; I expected to do badly and I did. I've always known my English (and Swedish) vocabulary is way too small..

I hate writing exams, but I love the feeling of freedom that comes afterwards. To leave that silent and choking bunker and open the door to noise and the smell of coffee and perfume is heavenly. I just want to dance and leap the whole way home then. Even if I've done bad. The leaps will just be a bit smaller then ^^

- The lack of snow. Where is my snow? ;__; It's dark and it's grey and it's raining. Always. I don't mind the dark (it's cosy!) but I want at least a couple of hours of daylight and sun every day. I don't want drizzle or torrential rain. I want my snow and I want my cold! >_< Going to university at 7 am in the dark and the rain to write an exam is no fun at all. But when is going to uni at 7 am to write an exam ever fun? *sigh* If there is no snow in a couple of weeks I'll be a very sad Becca :(

- Christmas preparations. I've put up my little plastic Christmas tree and the rest of my Christmas things now, so my room is much cosier now :3 It could need a Christmas cleaning though. I've also made gingerbread & "lussekatter" and will bake more gingerbread tonight! ^^ And I will have to start making Christmas candy soon. And write Christmas cards.. they're only half finished. Christmas gifts = OMG!PANIC

- My weekend in Stockholm. I had a superb Friday to Sunday stay in Stockholm. I love my Daniel to pieces! His mum had invited us to a Christmas show, so we went to see it. I got to meet the only brother of Danne's whom I hadn't yet met there, so that was nice. The best part of the evening was the singsong of O Holy Night at the show. It's no easy song to sing (O_O) and Danne's singing made me laugh so hard I cried ^^;; Sorry, darling! ♥ Damn, I love that man! ♥ ♥ ♥ Celebrating Danne's birthday was fun. Good company and good food! ^__^ I gave him a saucer (to use when the friggin snow finally decides to fall! >O<), a framed photo of him and me that was taken in August and Green Day - American Idiot. How to wrap up a saucer? Well, it wasn't easy, but I succeeded! Look!

I had to make a box out of cardboard and then use lots of paper :P It was BIG! Hard to transport and a girl also waiting for the bus to Stockholm said "What a big, nice present you've got there!" ^^;

- I wish I could write more, but I need to study before I'm off for a theory lesson at my driving school. I have a new exam on Friday and I don't know how I'll make it, because I haven't studied much at all so far :( I simply have too many things on my mind and I can't seem to concentrate on anything. Fuck. I would really need to study the rest of the evening, but I just have to go to that lesson. My stomach hurts again and I'm all angsty and lonely. Boohoo.

danne, homework, gifts, love, driving, christmas, stockholm, photos, snow

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