Two years of writing

Mar 30, 2006 19:11

Happy 3 2 (gee, I can't even count) year LJ anniversary to me! :) I've been writing here since March 30th, 2004. I got my LJ in January that year, but didn't start writing until then. For me LJ has been a great place to vent thoughts and feelings, and also a place to make some wonderful friends ♥ I hope you think reading my entries and commenting on them has felt worthwhile. I guess you wouldn't do it if it didn't ^^;

I've been writing rather frequently this month, at least half of it. Let's see how good you have been at writing comments...

Top Commenters on nackrufs's LiveJournal
(Self comments excluded from rankings)

1nordiclania 200
2tarzanfan 129
3quasilie 108
4flankblack 67
5warnander 60
6blasphy 60
7Anonymous 42
8bitter_apple 28
9funni 27
10zordar 15
11filifjonka 15
12rynchan 11
13skemogorilla 10
14frida77 6
15scattermew 5
16to_the_galaxy 3
17peikam 3
18fluffpudel 2
19parlously 2
20pururun 2
21blind_milk 1
22puch 1
23morainaki 1
24_unromantic 1

Total Commenters: 25 (1 not shown)
Total Comments: 1441
Report generated 2006-03-30 19:05:15 by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.6

comments, anniversary, lj

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