Mar 10, 2006 15:54
I've felt pretty tired and gloomy lately. I look all grey, pale and tired.. I've got bags and wrinkles under my eyes, which makes me look 30-40 rather than almost 20. Sometimes my eyes sting and I have to squint them. I have slept more than usual the last week, 7-8 hours, so that should be no problem. I don't know what it is, but I at least feel a teeny bit better today. I'll have a "fika" with Maria later today and tomorrow I'll probably go skating with Robin. Hopefully those things will bring back a little colour to my face. You can't exactly accuse school of making me too happy and radiant.
I've finally finished writing that general summer job application, so now I "just" have to make a list of places to contact and then contact them. I need a job and I need money, and despite that I haven't made enough effort :( I've sent in applications to the big local newspaper here (since my dad has contacts, but my chances are still slim) and to a smaller local newspaper, for the job as a newspaper woman (once a week). The last newspaper hasn't replied to my e-mail yet, perhaps they haven't even got it. From the first I got an e-mail telling me they had received the application, so we'll see. I won't hope for too much though. And then there was the EB Games store, but you all know I didn't get and didn't want to get that job. That's all I have done >_<;; I will probably have to send in an application to Lidl or something. Hm.