I'm so happy to have friends!

May 14, 2005 20:11

Yesterday and today were spent with my friends at Maria's summer house :) It's been so great! I've been able to just relax and not worry or dwell on unpleasant things. We've been out in the sun, cooking, playing cards, listening and singing to great music.. This little trip has been so good for me. For all of us, I imagine. I love my friends.

My four gorgeous friends. Emil, Kristina, Jessica and Maria. <3<3<3



What a hottie! Look at that hair.. *roars* ;)

Kind of blurry ^^; (I need a tripod!) We made a little fire, and sat there till late singing songs. Cosy ^_^

Friends being silly in the morning :)

Morning Becca.

Yes, I *will* get those Rome photos up soon. But I have so much to do now and they're so many -__-; Hopefully at the end of next week. Yes.

Tomorrow we're going to my uncle and cousins. It's Freddie's (one of my cousins) birthday on Monday so we're having a little birthday party for him and Robin. It's gonna be fun :) Though I won't have much time left for homework :S This is what I have to do:

- Russian: questions (Monday)
- Read about perspective for art class (Monday)
- Japanese: study for test (Tuesday)
- English: write a short story (Wednesday)

Other things to do in the near future:

- Burn CD with Rome photos for Ivar (my Latin teacher)
- Clean up my incredibly messy room
- Buy the rest of the things for ball and graduation
+ tons of other things, probably

Ice hockey tonight! ^O^ Sweden's in the semifinal. We gotta beat the Czech Republic!


school, lists, birthday, ice hockey, photos, friends

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