Hey, guys...

Aug 19, 2009 19:29

I need your advice. Or maybe just a load of money. Or maybe both.

As you may remember, my trusty tablet that I'd had for 7 years gave up on me in February last year. I shortly replaced it with a shiny, black Wacom Bamboo A6. This tablet has turned out to be less trusty however, because the tablet pen stopped working a couple of months ago.

To not have a working tablet is devastating for me, as you can probably remember. However, I've been so "lucky" that it's only the pen tip which isn't working, and that I can use the eraser part when surfing for example, but it's impossible to use in Word because it keeps erasing the text >_<

I'm a bit ticked off. It's not much more than a year old and it's already broken! And since it IS over a year old (albeit not by much) it's not covered by the warranty. Now, I'm thinking... that it could be just the nib that needs to be replaced. Unlike many of the other Wacom models this tablet didn't come with any spare nibs, so I'd have to buy one. Or rather, five. I found these for 306 SEK :/ I don't have a lot of money at the moment. I will soon have to repay 4600 SEK to Försäkringskassan (about half of my "bostadsbidrag" last year) and I just paid nearly 1000 for two course books. So.. I'm not happy about this, but I guess I could pay for those nibs... if I knew that it would solve the problem. But I don't. I really don't. It could also be that the whole pen needs to be replaced. That's 495 SEK. Let me remind you that I bought the entire tablet for 795.

I'm having a hard time deciding what to do. If I buy the nibs and they don't work, I will have thrown away 306 SEK for nothing. If I decide to buy the pen, I may spend almost 200 SEK more than I have to, if a new nib is all it takes. And I'd have four extra nibs should it happen again. I can't even be sure that a new pen would work. What if it's the tablet that doesn't respond properly anymore? It's perhaps not very likely, but it could be. It would be easier to just get a whole new tablet, but that seems kind of stupid.

So.. what I want now is some advice. I hereby present the first poll ever in my LJ history:

Poll First poll ever

Thank you!

tablet, computer, poll, money, decisions

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