I'm so tired. I'm sorry if I don't make much sense.
On my way to Stockholm. Where Lania and I took some photos. My hand hurts too much to post them all unfortunately. But I like this one:
And this one XD It's just so weird.
At the hospital.
This was the "missed" shot. I realized 20 minutes too late that I hadn't taken my 365 photo and I angrily snapped this pic :/ What to say? It sucks.
Helmer is here on vacation :D We hung out at my balcony. He's wondering whether he should eat the salad or my foot ;P
He chose the salad ^^
Friday was one of the better days last week. I went to pick strawberries with my family. Here are some more pics from that beautiful day:
When you're out of ideas, make a crazy face! Oh my o_O;;
It's really amazing how the quality of my photos fluctuates o_o
So. Anyway. This is what's happened: I got a job through the employment agency (Arbetsförmedlingen). It's a cleaning job, evening work. When I talked to the man who called me (on the Thursday I came to Stockholm) it was supposed to be at a care centre and a dentist office, from July 1st to September. When meeting my employer it turned out that it didn't begin until the 14th and would last to the end of September. So.. last week I was supposed to help out with the cleaning at two kindergartens instead (also evening work). I expected it to take about 3-4 hours at the most, but it turned out the job was 6+ hours. Tuesday was a hellish day. Me and the girl who I was cleaning with (she was a complete airhead by the way) weren't done until 11.30 and by that time the buses had stopped running. So mum had to pick me up in the middle of the night, in the forest o_o I wasn't home until midnight and this was why I missed taking my self-portrait for the day. That day SUCKED.
The other days were pretty bad too (my back hurt like hell afterwards, every day), but not as bad, because I only helped out at the first kindergarten for the rest of the week. I now have that transcribing job to do too, and I'm supposed to work on it for 4-5 hours/day. Working 6 hours in the evenings wouldn't work out, especially not with a total of 2,5 hours travelling time, so I talked to my employer about it.
This week I've been cleaning at that care centre together with a woman. Next week I will work there alone. But it won't last until the last of September but to August 1st (I think). After that I will be back at that first kindergarten, also alone.
It's hard having both this job and the transcribing job to do. These part time jobs feel like more than a full time job. I'm never really free. I have to work in the evenings and I have to work in the day time. It's hard to balance it, and to be able to keep up with Life. So far I haven't made it. I'm behind with the transcribing job. Since I work at home and I don't have a fixed schedule like I do with the other job I've neglected it a bit. It's a pity, because it's much more fun :/ I try to keep a schedule, but it's hard. I'm not used to working this much, but I hope I will get into the swing of it soon. Because on top of this I've got the driving theory. I HAVE TO START. NOW. Preferably. (Or maybe tomorrow)
And I feel.. cleaning is just not for me. I'm too slow. And it makes my poor back hurt. I'd much rather have an office job or something in the future. But my hands need to be able to handle computers all day long without hurting first. Damn :(
I'm pretty stressed. And kind of sad. Because.. this was not how I imagined my summer. I thought I would be working at that café in Stockholm. I thought I would be able to spend lots and lots of time with my boyfriend. Instead I feel like a prisoner, never free. Only on weekends and they're all booked up for weeks. I want vacation dammit! I'm not used to working this much. But I must survive!
I will go on a mini vacation Friday to Sunday though :D I only have the cleaning job tomorrow and then I'm "free" (still have that transcribing job) for the rest of this week! Yay! I'm going to Lania's family's summer house in Västervik! 2006 was a success, to say the least, so I'm really happy to be able to go there again. And to meet Lania, Danne and other people again :D
Thank you,
defying_elphaba, for the letter I got today! ^__^
I will go to bed now.