I'm writing!

Sep 17, 2007 19:43

I will now defy the pain in my arms to write a small entry, because I just can't stand being away from LJ forever. I feel so lonely and cut off now, when I'm not part of the LJ world and I no longer have a place where I can vent feelings and thoughts, post photos, regurarly keep up with online friends etc. It's about time I took a little care of my mind, even if it's at the expense of my arms...

So.. the news is that I'm battling an awful cold I caught a few days ago. I've been feeling so bad these last days. My eyes are so sore I can barely read most of the time, my throat is just as sore, I'm coughing up icky phlegm and the stuff coming out of my nose is even ickier.. Nice! Well, at least I think my sense of taste is returning now. I was in Stockholm during the weekend, and Danne and I went to eat at Sawadee (before seeing Shrek the Third :)) and sadly the food was just food without taste for me.. I couldn't taste anything :( But I made Danne taste it and he told me it was good. I don't know if that should be a comfort or not.. o_O;

Anyhow.. feeling ill, but I forced myself to go to school today anyway, and I will probably do so tomorrow too. After tomorrow's lesson I don't have to go to the uni until Monday. Yay!

Went to see the physiotherapist about my arms for the third time, and he thought I should try something other than the stretching exercises, namely acupuncture, so I'll call the clinic he recommended tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll get an appointment soon, soon, SOON!

As I mentioned last month (Month. Dear me!), I'll get the keys to my apartment on the 1st of October. I probably won't be able to move in for real until two weeks later, but that's okay.. Here it is:

And I cut my hair ten days ago. It's much shorter than usual. Almost too short ^^; The picture to the right is me at Lania's picnic in the beginning of July, so my hair was even longer when I cut it. Big difference, for me anyway.

Photos.. I think I'll resize&save a couple of summer photos every other day, and maybe in a few months I'll be able to make a photo post XP

Hm. Yeah. There are limits to what I can do to my poor arms, so I think I'll stop now ^^ But I'll be back at LJ tomorrow or so, to comment on a few of your entries. And it's going to feel so damned good! >O< Well.. everywhere but in my arms. Bye bye, lovelies!

pics, body, apartment, illness, hair, photos

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