First some photos from when Danne was here...
Photos from Walpurgis Night. I could hardly take any good photos though, because there were so many people blocking the view. And a tree ruined the fireworks photos. Plus I didn't try hard enough. But go
here if you want to see more photos. It's pretty much the same every year anyway :P Though I think the fireworks were a wee bit more impressive this year.
The bonfire. For
nordiclania ♥
I quite liked these two pics however.
Overall, I'm pretty sick of being so out of this photography business. I feel like I have no control whatsoever. I seem to have lost everything. Ugh ugh.
Danne's visit. I loved having him here and now I miss him ;_; Like always. Two whole weeks until next time. I couldn't fall asleep yesterday night, because he wasn't lying next to me in my little bed, making me all squeezed against the wall, even though I should probably have slept better with more space.
The days spent together were nice, but as always when we are together we were unlucky. On Monday we bought summery things like a kite and soap bubbles, but we could use neither because it wasn't windy enough to fly the kite and it wasn't warm enough for me to go outside to blow bubbles, especially not after losing my jacket.
That was the worst thing that happened during these days - losing my jacket. It happened that day, when we went into town. When coming out of the toyshop I realized that I had left my jacket on the bus. My precious jacket, with two bus cards (one worth about 50 SEK + my 360 SEK monthly card) in the pocket. I called the lost property office and a man told me he'd ask the driver and call me back. He never did and there was no answer when I tried an hour later. So I thought it was forever lost.
I was wrong (and my darling was right ^_^)! After kissing Danne goodbye yesterday morning, I went to the lost property office to see if my jacket was there and it was! Right there, on a shelf. Even the cards were still there ^O^ Yay! What a relief. I've learned my lesson now, I hope. The day turned out beautiful and summery, too. It's so typical that everything is great as soon as Danne has left me/I have left him. Well, not everything of course. It's not great without him. I wish I could have both sometime.
School. I have neglected it so much lately. I'm ashamed of myself really. I skipped the lesson yesterday, but that I don't regret one bit because those lessons are useless and boring, and keeping Danne company a few more minutes and getting my jacket back was time better spent ^_^ What I do regret is that I don't do what I should do at home. I hardly study at all nowadays and today I've seen the results of it. I got an exam back today and I did terribly. Even more terrible than I'd imagined. 26 points out of 55 is NOT OKAY (33 was kind of a pass). Now, this isn't an exam which will be graded. Well, it will be, but this was only half of the exam and the points I get on the next part will be added to these points. This means I could still pass if I do very well on the other half. But.. it's not very likely >__<;; I will have to get at least 40 points on the next part. If only I'd tried a little harder. I could have gotten 30 points at least..? Then I wouldn't be this bad. Damn, this might be my first time failing an exam ;_;
I better work hard on an essay this weekend. It's to be handed in on Wednesday and I have hardly begun >_< Haven't written anything. Plus, there are tons of other things to do. Panic! Why do I do this to me?
That job interview I told you about. If you read the comments to that entry you'll know that it didn't go very well at all and that I'm positive I won't get the job. I'm still waiting for the phone call though. I'm quite sure they told me that they'd call me no matter what and not only if I got the job. They would have made their decision after valborg, they said. No phone call yet :/ I just want to know. No news about the other summer jobs I applied for either.
Thank you,
quasilie, for sending me The Ark's latest album! ♥